I Ordered A Stylus • Comedy Open Mic #35 {1}


You know what that means.

Artzone's gonna be all over this baby.

Yes, yes I know. You're going to miss the realistic artwork that I used to do before, as is clearly evident with regard to the masterpiece on the left (I don't like to brag much, just stating facts.) Not to mention - the beauty integrated in it; anybody would fall for the masculine, chisel-jawed face with a scar enveloping the surface, which indicates the many life battles that our hero (as seen on the left) has been through (might I add it's a masterpiece.)

Again, I don't like to brag much.

It's A Sad Goodbye (Please, It Is Okay To Cry.)

Traditional art forms are considered to be a photograph of the culture of the then-present...culture. So that means, my old art-form is of much value and you're actually seeing it go away. So it is sad. And you're sad. Right?
But, of course, goodbyes must be said. Place must be made, for the new progeny art-forms to occupy. New and dashing like the one on right (truly a masterpiece.)

What Is Art?


Shu-shut up, I know what the plural of progeny is alright?
I...know it.

So that's what art means.
Huh? You didn't understand?
No problem, let's move on. I'm there to show you what art means, right? So why are you worrying. I create masterpieces. Right mom?
I mean, RIGHT ON!

What Will Become Of Art?

With a stylus, I can create much more art pieces with such ease as that of...as that of...like...how a...like how I make art!
Yes, that was the one. I'm good with analogies.
Even better at making masterpieces.

Art will explode and be all over the place! In the sock, on the table, everywhere!

I will put art with such ferocity...ungh...

brief interval while artist goes into seizure


Where am I?

Right, a lot of art.

I make good art. Masterpieces.

An Imp Asian!

I will also make a lot of an imp Asians!


I will also make a lot of animations!

I'll use my smartphone to make them. I know an app that lets you create them.

The stylus will be really helpful in creating accurate stickfigure...animations.


Well, as you can see my brain power is deteriorating by the word, so I had better go, before art explodes all over the place again.


I ordered a stylus.

Now curie this.


Hi sharanaithal,

Thank you for your entry in to #comedyopenmic comedy contest. We have asked the judges below to review your entry and give it a funny rating. (They generally have no sense of humor, as the saying goes, those that can't do, start contests and judge).
This will determine your ultimate position when the results are tallied. (That being said, you are free to adopt any position you wish - we can recommend pantsless with beer in hand.)


If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact one of the judges or come say hi in discord: Click Here

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Thank you to @matytan for the great banner

cool. it's alive!

Just enough for the photo to be clicked.

Can I buy the left drawing before it pumps in the market??

Listen buddy. You don't just buy a National Treasure like that.

do you accept tacos?

that could be arranged...

Every once in a while I wonder how high you must have fallen from onto your head.

To give you an idea, that's me on the left.

I nominate @wandereronwheels and @sjennon to make jokes-es and have some funs.

@sharanaithal, go and place your daily vote for Steem on netcoins! http://contest.gonetcoins.com/

Only if you say the magic word.

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