Comedy Open Mic - Round 19 / 1st Entry | THE ANT MAN

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)


Comedy Open Mic - Round 19/ 1st Entry | THE ANT MAN

These day i was thinking of nature, and then i need to write this...

Pass me the french fries!

I lift the bowl overflowing with potatoes, they looked delicious, dipped in bbq sauce and a hint of lemon. But when i picked it up, i not realized that at his base there was a colony of ants that had been infected with a chemical compound.

What this? AGGGHHHHH! , they are green phosphorescent ants!

The creatures without thinking twice bit their entire skin, the woman, the children and everyone around them began to see how the color of their skin began to change, wrinkles came out and their body was mutating, long antennae came out in his forehead, his eyes widened and his skin was covered with a kind of black cover. Several legs came out at the sides, at the level of the ribs and its height was 2 meters.

He had become an ANT MAN.

At first in the first hours my perception of the world was still normal, but with the passing of the hours after neighbors and family came out of amazement, I began to feel a great need to eat something sweet, my nose had increased markedly and I felt a urgent need to work as a team. Arrive at the kitchen.

There was my wife preparing a delicious strawberry cake, my heart began to throb quickly, my veins were inflamed and I felt powerful, better than ever, I made an ademan and I got on 4 legs, ready to ram into the cake.

My God what are you doing, why are you on 4 legs? -said the woman-
I will devour what you have there!

The cake had fallen on the noble parts of the woman, and the next thing was that the enclosure entered his son under 5 years, and what he saw was a huge phosphorescent ant mounted on top of his mother, making sounds of hisses, playing with his antennas the nipples of the woman, while their jaws penetrated in their sex producing enormous shrieks of pleasure, the woman shouted:

Ohhhhh baby give more, deploy your ants, enter inside me, possess me with your insatiable appetite !.
Yeah darling, feel my ants, feel my legs, feel my skin, I'm insatiable! ,i want this pie!

The boy quickly went to get a pot of insecticide and began to spray it on the giant ant, which he thought was hurting his mother.

Nooo! This hurts, you're killing me!

She separated from her husband between cries of pain, and the boy could only see the figure of how that ant became his father, was taking again his human form, apparently the chemical insecticide reversed the effect of ant bites and the change was accelerated.

After a few minutes, he was naked in front of them, in human form, but he saw how suddenly his wife and children began to laugh uncontrollably.
Then he saw the reason for the laughter, his noble parts had become an ant, black, tiny and quite ugly, with pincers, legs and jaws.

The boy ran out mocking his father:

Dad has dick of ant, Dad has dick of ant!

Since then in the neighborhood he is known as the man with ant penis ...

You can enter the contest clicking here.

¡Have fun!

Nominated @hendersonp and @trenz


¡See you later ant man!

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Creative Commons License
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .


i am still confused! . that was a general story? or real one?

Indeed is a mixture of both, trying to have a new proposal came out this.

That's nice. New ideas are making history :)

Well, i am triying to do something new and nice to get out of the routine :D

such a sad ending and dastardly way to describe @amirtheawesome1 penis

Yes it a sad one, lol, @amirtheawesome1 what do you think about this? haha

jajaja you are so weird.

On a crazy way pal, yes hehehehe.

I need to wash my eyes now.

Take care, can be ants on the water!

Wow, I think i need to take a cold shower...

Well,hope you dont be too hot, lol

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