Making sparkling wine - at least give it a try | @comedyopenmic round 13 | first entry

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago

Being nominated by @anouk.nox for the @comedyopenmic round 13 I would like to participate in it with a real-life story that happened some years ago.

You know those weekends where you are having a good time, some drinks and lots of fun?


Well, the story below happened exactly on one of those weekends.
Everything was prepared for a nice weekend. I even bought some wine and one bottle of sparkling wine.

While having fun and drinking the bottle of sparkling wine we quickly realized that there is not that much in one bottle. We decided to have some more.


it was too late already - all shops were closed. Sure, there are shops open 24/7 but they are too far away to be reached walking or with a bike. The car was no option anymore because we already had some drinks.

If you really want something desperately - especially when you are a little bit drunk already - one has the craziest ideas.

Suddenly I had this idea - an idea of a genius!

We have this machine called "SodaStream" with which you can make sparkling water from tap water by injecting CO2. You can even add different tastes to the water like cola, orange, whatever you want.
What else is wine? Actually, it's nothing more than water with some taste ... and alcohol of course.


I filled the wine into the SodaStream-bottle up to the maker as I would do with tap water.
After installing the bottle into the machine I pressed the handle like I did it hundreds of times before until you hear this whistling sound. The moment, when you know the miracle happened and your fresh sparkling drink is ready.
What happened next was everything except a miracle ... you could compare it more with an explosion.


I opened the machine and the pressure released not only the spare CO2 as usual.
Also, 90% of the wine, which was in a state of "super-sparkling" now, was released to every corner of the kitchen.
The ceiling, the floor, all walls - sparkling wine everywhere.
Even if me - the genius - really f_cked up making sparkling wine from regular wine, we were laughing for at least an hour.

We tried the little drink that was left over in the bottle and I have to admit it tasted very good - just like sparkling wine.

Was it worth it? NO!

Never ever try this yourself!
Me, the genius, had to clean the kitchen for hours. Even some days later I could still smell the wine to remind me not to do this again.

As this is my first entry for the @comedyopenmic competition I'm hoping to have new nominates who were not nominated before already.
I would like to nominate @dennis.bacchus and @for91days to share their funny story with the community.

Hopefully, you enjoyed reading.

Steem on!


There should be a moral here. Like:
Stick to french champage
American made sparkling wine isn't the same
Man who spark wine, must clean nose afterwards.

Something like that.

That indeed makes sense!
I'll do better next time :)

Ouha, SodaStream accidents... Many towels are lost in those. ;D

Thanks for the nomination. I will search my head for something hilarious. ;)

Nice to have you on board :)

Lol I had a good laugh.. :) thanks! I could see it happening while readings, so thats good :)

That reminds me of when I microwaved an egg in the shell. Blew the door off the microwave and sprayed cooked egg all over the fridge and ceiling.

It blew off the door of the microwave ?!?
Wow - I would not expect so much power in a microwaved egg !!!

I wouldn't either. It was an 80s microwave too. They were built tough.

Trying something new makes us get a new way of laughing.
Ha ha

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