Win 5 SBD A Contest Within A Contest

in #comedyopenmic7 years ago (edited)

Welp you heard it and yes we is giving away SBD and its going to be pretty easy on your part.

Here is what we need:

1st and foremost, go listen to my podthingy, these are the characters I am interested in. I tell stories from the mountains of Tennessee, so your entry MUST be a fit to the stories.

They don't have to have all their teeth, you know its a good funeral when they read the Will and a fight breaks out on who will get the loved ones dentures.

We are not so rednecked that we marry our cousins, dating is OK though.

They must fish or hunt

If they don't hunt or fish and are anti hunt fish, don't get mad if they become bait

Ok I hope you get the idea, I would like to bring your made up character into my stories and if they are good enough, they may be a regular visitor. So we need you to enter your character, think hard, make it funny, but somewhat believable. Don't take two seconds and enter weird stuff, these characters could be around a long time. I have been working on the Toads Bait Shop stuff for more than 10 years.

I have characters, so be different than what I am using.

As Red Green would say "if the women don't find you handsome, they need to at least find you handy" probably not 100% what he said, but as close as my peanut brain will get tonight.

I want funny folks, so what a better place to find funny folks than @comedyopenmic.

I want hunters and fisherman, so what a better place to find those folks than @myhuntingfishing.

Thanks for the support from those two groups

Winner needs to use this format for their character entry in the comment section.

  1. Characters name (Delmer Shanks)(he is a butcher, last name shanks)
  2. Age (72)
  3. Occupation (Owns a Do it yourself Abattoir shop) (french for butcher)
  4. Body type
  5. Type of hunting or fishing (Fly Fishes with live bait and a bobber) (beats his minnow to death whipping the flyrod)
  6. Where were they originally from (France)
  7. IQ
  8. Religion (yes important as it will show beliefs for stories)
  9. Political Preference
  10. Income Bracket
  11. Personality (brief description like afraid of the dark, believe in haint's,

You need to resteem
Of course comment as that is where your entree's will need to be seen.
If you see a good one, please vote for that person's comment entry and comment yourself.
Not required but an upvote would be appreciated

Hit that FOLLOW button

Well that is what I am looking for, hope this goes good as I really like doing this on steemit and would love for you all to feel a part of the stories, make them more personable.

Comedyopenmic said I could post with their tag, just make it funny, so funny will be I have 67 followers, will be lower when this contest is over. Don't ask me how, but it happens.



We are not so rednecked that we marry our cousins, dating is OK though.

As Red Green would say "if the women don't find you handsome, they need to at least find you handy"

👍👍- very soon #comedyopenmic will become a hub for competitions within a competition

#comedyopenmic, good folks right there. that main feller, well I can't pronounce his name, its a UK name I think, Iki, for short, is probably one of the biggest helpers here on steemit. He totally needs a badge or a cookie or maybe both

Cool competition and definitely this is the right place to fish for talent ! Looking forward to see how it develop - good luck !

I sure hope it takes off, My goal is 100 follower, I screwed on on my goal, I forgot to add a time frame.
Thanks for your help, and #comedyopenmic, you guys and gals rock.

  1. Character name : Jay Woodchip
  2. Age : 45 but looks 35
  3. Occupation : travelling folk, survivalist
  4. Body type : lean n tuff as old boot nails
  5. Type of hunting : stelph, hes cunning, uses mainly live bait/ chum trapping, damming anything illegal, sometimes dynamite!!
  6. Nationality : italian/french parents grew up off grid
  7. IQ : above average
  8. Religion : jedi (believe in the force)
  9. Political preferance : anarchist
  10. Income bracket : he barters and trades for goods with skins/gold and healing
  11. Personality
    Jay Woodsmoke lives off grid and moves around like a nomad up in the hills, he lives in a self converted truck that is never in one place for long, he leaves no trace where he hunts and is quite a reclusive character. He also grows the most amazing weed in gorilla plantations nobodys yet to get a sniff of where any of them are. Same with the gold he magically appears with it from a secret mine somewhere.
    He always seems to appear when people need his impartial advise or someones broken something he magically is just there like a breath of fresh air, he always seems so happy and so free, then hes off again with a smile on his face (probably his free spiritedness and the weed) dont go taking that kindness for a weakness, this guys shrewd, and he always knows where those fish are hiding too 😊
  1. Character's name: No one is completely sure what her name really is, but she most closely identifies with Freya and usually gives that name when asked. Presumably the feds know, but no one is quite willing to challenge her. She's come with two young girls who are all pleasant enough, but not quite "normal"- but that seems to be part of her charm.

  2. Age: No one quite knows that either... She appears to be about 33, but her wisdom makes her seem 133!

  3. Occupation: raising her daughters. She keeps to herself mostly. She raises animals, grows vegetables, offers herbal remedies and alternative advice. She's not "qualified" in anything, yet everyone swears by her knowledge and advice. Occasionally, people pay her actual money, but mostly, she works by barter.

  4. Pleasingly plump - she obviously cooks!

  5. Hunting/fishing: When she must... she will use a crossbow to dispatch one of the deer or turkeys she feeds. She knows it's not strictly allowed, but she can't help it. She loves the closeness and hates when she has to kill one, but a family must eat, after all!
    Fishing is a little easier for her, but she prefers to trap them and just lift the trap every day. She preserves her fish, so if she doesn't catch anything today, it's okay - the kids won't starve.

  6. Where she is from: Does anyone know? She's been here, like, forever, yet no one seems to have gone to school with her. Perhaps she's from a neighboring county, having inherited her property from her grandparents. The grandparents are rumored to have been Scottish... or Swedish... or Swiss... or something beginning with an "S"...

  7. IQ - 140, but you'd never know it... unless you needed her services, in that case you'd swear it was higher!

  8. Religion - Mother Earth is her only religion. Those are the only rules she knows. Dogma of mainstream religions are uninteresting to her. Even new-age "religions" hold little interest for her.

  9. Political preference: unknown. She has little use for politics. Her political beliefs are freedom, independence and be-nice-to-your-neighbor. She was long ago disillusioned by the big parties.

  10. Income Bracket: Next-to-nothing. Her goal has long been to live well, but to earn so little as to not owe any income tax to the feds.

  11. Personality: reclusive, yet open to true seekers. Afraid of nothing except "authorities" - yet doesn't break laws, at least not deliberately. Believes in truth - wherever it is found.

Hope you like her.

Hmnn... must be Ethels neighbor. They'd probably get along real well. Wonder if Freya ever goes over to sample some of Ethels good herb. Maybe not. Has to be a good example to her girls.

Both yours is good, yes they probably live close and are related

  1. Pirate Pete
    2 . 64
  2. fisherman
  3. skinny
  4. deep sea fisherman, uses nets to catch his haul.
  5. the galapagos islands
  6. what the heck is IQ
  7. believes in moby dick
  8. votes for greenpeace
  9. 500 - 10,000 fish per week
  10. Pirate pete wishes he was a pirate. He wears a bandana with skulls and crossbones on it.
    He drinks rum, has scurvy and lost one hand when a pulley failed on his boat. Now he has a hook for that hand.
    He talks like hey matey, ya hear. Yar.
    His catch of fish is his plunder.
    His faithful parrot follows him everywhere and always talks back to him and gives him shit.

Nice character @thevillan i think Pete would enjoy meeting Jay Woodchip 😊
I reckon the parrot loves getting stoned round the campfire when their both chatting about their next big plunders or trade. The parrot every now and again laughs and randomly spurts out inapropriate words 🤣😂
Btw whats the parrots name ?

haha yeah jay woodchip sounds like an interesting character :)
The parrots name is parrot pete

Shiver me timbers that's a fine name😊

We flew a pirate Flag on our Catfish Tournament boat for years. I would have one on my Bass Boat, but that sucker runs 90 mph. I miss our old Catfishing Boat, was a Lund and we built it just for Catfishing. Was a great old boat, we had about 12k in electronics, you could see a cat in 55 foot of water and see him good enough you knew which way he was facing. Dang I miss our Pirates Flag.

Haha yeah if I had a boat it would have to be flying a pirate flag :D
Maybe one day if I make enough money on Steemit I can get one.

For me I have to stick with me land fishing, which I guess aint so bad coz I don't have to fart arse around packing up my boat

@moneyinfant has added your contest to the list Steemit Writing Contests: Issue #51. The list is updated on a daily basis and your contest will remain on the list until its expiration - there's nothing you need to do.

The list was created to save writers the excessive amount of time spent searching through the #contest tag for writing contests. Now they can just come to the list each day, see new contests and use their time doing what they love - writing.

If you'd like to help spread the word about the Steemit Writing Contest List I'd really appreciate a resteem, but it certainly isn't necessary. The project is simply meant to help writers save time and contest creators attract more contestants.

P.S. If you know of any contests I've missed I'd love to hear about them. Thanks!

Haha followers are like fish, some days you catch them and some days you lose them. But at the end of the day you still bag out.
I will think up a character for you :)

Well Uncle Vil, I am perplexed, we gained 3 folks.
Looking forward to your character, sure it will be a goodin

Nice work, I noticed that. Keep it up and you will crack 1000 no worries.
Haha I already have an idea for the character, just need to fine tune him a bit ;)

Let me give it a go

1- Name: Blake Mmorgan (The second M in case he forgets)
2- Age: 53
3- Occupation: Freelance Snake Milker
4- Body Type: Extra skinny with a muscly right arm
5- From: Japan (his father had a one night stand there)
7- IQ; 73
8- A strict follower of the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
9- Republican
10- Income Brackets: 38 Bucks a year from Snake milking, 500$ a week from Social security
11- Personality: Thinks silent farts are funny, loves apples, distrusts electricity, hates T-shirts

heck yeah, that will work. Thank you for entering. Will have to look into that Church, not real familiar with that one

You won't have problems finding results

And it's worldwide

Holy crap that just made me laugh, wasn't expecting that. Don't forget to resteem this post, all info up top to qualify

I thought I resteemed this already, thanks for reminding me.

lmao, fly fishing with live minnow bait.... that's not how any of this works!

sure it is, if you will listen to tadays podthingy, I will explain and if you like to fly fish or want to hook some one into fly fishing, it will be worth the listen

I definitely look forward to fly fishing this summer! Got into it last summer with a friend.

I'm a gonna hafta go on outside to the small room with my sittin' stool and figger out which one of my brothers/ cousins/ nephews/ uncles (all the same five people) I wanna introduce. Great competition, more fun than a road kill pot luck town get-together!

I thought so, but pot luck road kill is hard to beat. Look forward to seeing what you come up with

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