Comedy Open Mic - Round #5 - In 1492...

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

At the time of the Spanish Inquisition, thousands of heretics, Muslims and Jews were forced to convert to Christianity or be killed. You are probably thinking, “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition” from Monty Python, but that’s not where I’m going here.

Source - Monty Python's Flying Circus

Although many Jews did convert to Catholicism, they continued to secretly practice their Jewish customs such as lighting candles for the Sabbath, eating unleavened bread (Matzo) during Passover, and lighting a Menorah for Chanukah. According to Wikipedia, these secret Jews were known as Marranos or Crypto Jews.

Fast forward 500 years to New Jersey in America. Although I don’t trace myself back to Spain via Sephardic tradition, I am definitely a Crypto-Jew as I’ve purchased some Bitcoin on the Gemini Exchange.

source - Getty Images

I'd like to nominate @loubega and @walnut1 to enter this contest. Thanks to the judges and for hosting this source of comedy!!!


I could also identify as a crypto-Jew in this case, Facebook tried to convert me for years but it was Steem and Steemit that won me over

I could also identify as a crypto-Jew in this case, Facebook tried to convert me for years but it was Steem and Steemit that won me over

"Crypto Jew."

Really great twist.

Thanks man!

Thank you for the entry @popsoz. Please nominate 2 people to participate in comedy open mic.

I nominated 2 people in the comedyopenmic page, but I added them here too.

That's great. Thanks @popsoz.

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