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RE: Bring Back the Bullies >>> Some of Us, Self-Evidently ... Need an Ass-Kicking (ComedyOpenMic #39)

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago

HAHAHAHA!! The Thunderclaps of Thor!! If I didn't read that in the office at work, I'd be howling right now - funniest thing I've ever read but I loved it - tackling stupidity by summoning the power of the mighty thunder clap! Get some ice on those bad boys, they're gonna need it for next year - perhaps a year of training so a single clap will create a sound wave so vast it will shake whatever soul Ol Gristle has left into submission.

Clapping = triggering... Can't help but feel we have an organised group of trolls here!

Great stuff, would have loved to have been there to watch it unfold!



Hi Nicky. Keep in mind that this is not just more American ding-a-ling-edness ... it's happening in the Ol' County (yours) too.

One wonders where it all ends? When do the delicates simply have to toughen up?

I have no sense of smell. Should people stop wearing perfume and cologne because it reminds me of my lack of olfaction ... and speaking of olfaction, why should I have to wear underarm deodorant (or bathe more than once a month for that matter) ... body odor doesn't bother me in the least? What about all that swirling of wine in a glass in your olfaction-enabled melodramatic display of bouquet appreciation? I'm triggered. Perhaps you insensitive bastards could stop writing all those damn poems about the fragrance of a rose?

Many tall girls would like to wear fashionable high heels but are reluctant to do so lest it further increase their unusual stature. Should we ban high heels? NBA basketball players often have to duck when going through doorways due to their height ... so, tear down all the building and start anew? Most people can't sing worth shit (yours truly) ... should we ban songs so that the musically inept won't feel disadvantaged? Perhaps all those with hair should submit themselves to being shorn lest bald men feel inferior.

Everyone has problems and everyone has to adapt to compensate for something. The modern-day 'victimhood culture' has become a pathological celebration of weakness and vulnerability. Here's a link I included in my reply to @blockurator's comment.

I highly recommend people watch it.


Perhaps we should teach these yokels how to laugh at themselves. I am a proud member of the Garden Gnome Society. In fact, its president. At Thanksgiving, my two-year-old granddaughter saw a garden gnome on a shelf in my living room (it's a bookend) and said, "Poppy!" Obviously, she's referring to me. Does it in the hard, too. At 5'7-1/2" tall, I have a salt-n-pepper beard a little on the long side with a balding crown and a pot belly. I am the poster image for short plump balding men. Do I do cry about it? Nope. I laugh at it. And am the proud owner of a website named Garden Gnome Publications. Short round men get no respect. Big deal.

How's the weather up there?


Here, here!

If it's any consolation ... that was EXACTLY the height of Napoleon Bonaparte!

Quill :-)

And the closer he got to Waterloo the chubbier he got. I think he was a garden gnome!


Ah man, I know these kind are in the UK too and it burns my eyes reading about it and hearing them talk. I'd even go as far to say that I feel parts of my intelligence literally being eaten away by listening to them.

PC? PCoff more like! Everyone has issues like you say and most of the population with those issues just get on with life because life goes on. Unfortunately, it's these types of Ol' Gristlers that make the most noise (no pun intended ref: Jazz Hands).

Like I mentioned, can't help but think this is an organised group of trolls. Imagine the Olympic Games or any sporting event where no-one was allowed to cheer on their team or celebrate a win. My goodness, jog on!

When these kids enter the world of business (if they do) then they may well have a shock (as I did after leaving University having been there for 10 years, clapping away in the labs) - read the article but not the video in full.

Jogging on...

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