Just a S#!t Post. Comedy Open Mic 33

Ahhh, the joys of having poultry…


A few weeks ago, hubby brought a box pallet home from work. I initially thought it was for firewood, but no, he said that the big heavy thing would make a great shelter for the quail. “they'll love it!”


He was right, they do and they like to lay eggs right at the back of it. This thing comes up to my knees, so to reach those eggs I have to get on my belly and commando crawl on my forearms. The floor is gravel, so in the best circumstances it's a bit painful, in the worst there will be little presents left by quail which I'll put my hand or elbow in.


If I'm really unlucky, which I usually am to be honest, then it will be a cecal poop. For anyone who keeps poultry you'll know all about cecal poop! It's the foulest smelling poop and it's sticky to boot. The kind of sticky that does not wash easily. If you scrub it off with a brush, you'll then need to clean it off the brush. Even once you think you've got it all off you'll still be smelling it for the rest of the day.


Quail are tiny, and so are their poops. Chickens, however, are larger and their poops are larger to boot. In summer when it's hot, going into the chicken run with sandals leaves you vulnerable. Chickens have clawed feet and like to run around both under and over your feet. It can be a bit tender on bare skin and they sometimes deposit on the run. It's not the best of feelings. The painful digging in of clawed, but padded feet on the top of your foot, followed by a sudden oozing warmth. If you're lucky it's just a runny standard poop because they've been drinking lots in the heat, but if you're not (I'm usually not) it's a cecal one and it's going to take at least half an hour to get off!

Fun fact:
cecal poops don't just come in the mustard colour shown above, they can range from brown to almost black. Also, when you actually want a cecal poop to photograph as proof of their existence, you generally can't find one! I had to be really quick with this photo before it got trodden in or dug in.

Incidentally, once they tread in such a poop they will usually decide they really want to jump on you. If it happens to be on their head, because they got pooped on from high, then they will likely decide they want to snuggle you.

... and no, I didn't follow my chickens around, waiting for them to poop... honestly...


I nominate @thevillan and @realtreebivvy.

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I'm hoping for a reduction in problematic poo. The dog leaves dried out little nuggets around the place; and I don't mind a bit of squirty, liquid stuff if they're going to step on all the doggy deposits and help break them down. Time will tell. Good luck with the commando crawl to get the quail eggs :)

I'd suggest dung beetles, but they'd just end up chicken food!

Now my brother's started talking about a bee hive in his backyard. Not sure we'll go quite that far; but another couple of things couldn't hurt. Homegrown, pinless strawberries for example :)

Oh, this is brilliant.

They're made of chicken.

😆 Yes, strawberries are so much nicer without pins! Thats if you can beat everything else to them.
We had an accidental beehive in our compost bin once. They kept stinging the chickens though. I got really excited recently when I read about native stingless bees, only to discover they don't exist this far south. :(
Shaun loves that video!

LOL, shitposts are very funny :) ....I stepped in some Shanti-poo just the other day!

Lol! A special present for you!

I have one, my dominicker named Soul Sister that used to love stepping in cecal poop and jumping up on my arm. That's one way I recognised her for a while.

I'm brave. I do most of my chicken tasks barefoot.

Oh man, barefoot in the chicken run! That is brave!

i guess rearing chickens/quails is a dunting task. especially the stinch from their poop,that I can't stand fot anything in the world.

If you really want to go for the poopiest poultry, get ducks. They make chickens and quail look positively sanitary! I've never seen so much crap come from such a small animal!


wow your cecal poop knowledge is astonishing

Thank you! One needs to keep up to speed on these things.

Can't imagine a better way to spend my time than being covered in Cecal Poop though...my lucky day! sarcasm

Scents of the farm!

I just ignored the pictures and couldn't read much as well. Highly intolerant to these stuffs.

Truly a worthy shit post.Haha

In that case, I'm honoured that tried your best to read it! 😆

I am just here to hand out some tissue so someone can clean up all this shit.

Looks like just what we need!

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