My entry for the Comedy Open Mic Contest - Some funny stories

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone, I decided to give a shot for the Comedy Open Mic contest held by @idikuci.


I decided to write two funny stories I know.

Say the mantra

This is my sister's math teacher's tale. 

When he was little, he used to walk to his class. And there was a big dog guarding that road. This dog wasn't very friendly to him. He often had few bruises when trying to get away with the dog.

 One day he complained his teacher about it. Then the teacher taught him a mantra to calm the dog when it's chasing him.

On that day, he has walked on the road feeling very excited and happy. ''Now I'm not afraid of that stupid dog. If it chases me, I'll scare him with that mantra'' He thought proudly. He can't wait to test this awesome mantra. 

But, what a luck! He saw the dog was sleeping on the road. What would he do now? He wanted to try it. He went over the dog and poked him. Then the dog growled and jumped on to his leg.

''Now is my chance. Oooh sachcha saddha ahhhhhhh.......!!!!'' He screamed as dog sank his teeth into his leg. He ran as fast as could as some red drops dripped from his leg.

He never wanted to go that class again. 

The payment

One day, a man wanted to pick coconut from his coconut trees. Then he called to a man who can climb coconut trees. 

The man agreed to climb the tree on two conditions. He has to pay him 100 Rupees ( Currency in Sri Lanka) to climb the tree and another 100 rupees to get off from it.

The owner agreed to the conditions. Then the man climbed to the tree after taking 100 Rupees. Then he did his job and ask the owner for the other 100 Rupees.

The owner looked at him with a cunning smile. ''I'm not giving you any money for climbing down.If you don't want to get off from that tree, you can stay like this.''

This is what I got. I was just giving it a try. If this didn't make you smile, my apologies.

Thanks for your time<3


The second one is pretty funny, very sneaky of that guy. Looking forward to your entry for next week.

I laughed at the second one! XD

Oh, what a relief!
Thank you :D

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