The Poolside Is Not A Rewarding Place (Comedy Open Mic Comedy Contest Round #19)

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

Link to the announcement

Steemit is a very confusing place. It can be very difficult to wrap your mind around. Like, for example, everybody is talking about some pool somewhere and how that pool is being "abused". How can you abuse a pool? Is that pool like a swimming pool? When you abuse it do you like pee in it - or something much worse?

Anyway, there is this one guy @berniesanders who seems angry all the time because a lot rubber ducks get raped at the pool. He says there his guy called @haejin who is a terrible rapist who needs to be stopped. (I don't know how you can rape anybody or anything over the Internet let alone use a pool but what do I know.) @berniesanders thinks rapists can be stopped by hoisting enough flags. Yeah right. If @berniesanders is right then there should be a lot fewer rapes on the fourth of July than on any other day. Somehow I doubt that.

Have you heard of @haejin before? Somebody told me he's a ninja from New York. He is very very fast, which is why @berniesanders has to sleep one eye open by the poolside. He can't let his guard down at all, which makes him continually sleep-deprived which must be what makes him so grumpy. I've been told @haejin is so fast that it takes him so little time to do what he does that it makes spending a New York minute seem like watching paint dry. Maybe that's why @haejin is so difficult to catch. He always slips away to relax on a ranch owned by another Steemian whose name or even parts of which I can't remember at all.

What about these "witnesses"? Are they Jehova's Witnesses? Some years ago, I had a neighbour who was a Jehova's Witness. He was really nice guy. He told me that Jehova's Witnesses don't celebrate Christmas. Ok. But why does @berniesanders speak as if these "witnesses" on Steemit had Christmas every day and got too many presents? That does not compute like a whole lot of other things on Steemit. And what are these "nodes" that these "witnesses" "run". @berniesanders is always going on about how some of these witnesses are getting too much money for doing basically little to nothing. Yeah, maybe these "nodes" should give some of those witnesses a run for their money instead!

But I really don't want anyone to get hurt. The word node sounds quite ominous. It's like a cell in a terrorist network or something. I don't like that at all. Maybe we should call the FBI and get them to shut down all the nodes! I'm sure that would make Steemit a much better place for everyone!

I nominate @yaanivapeji and @cryptoandcoffee to participate in #comedyopenmic.


If @berniesanders is right then there should be a lot fewer rapes on the fourth of July


Nice work with the nodes, I hear they can multiply if you get them wet, and turn on you if you feed them past midnight!! All the best,

If you boil them, they become Amen Nodles. Cheap but good.

Yes, I agree, it's all a bit wierd, but at least here, the nodes just have to be witnessed. In other altrealms, Japanese child labour is used to mine these nodes.

Mine? They are mined? So they're underground terrorist cells?

Don't worry. You got it figured out about as well as anyone.

Don't worry. You got
It figured out about as
Well as anyone.

                 - acolucky

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

You are saying rape on pool! i thought how he do it on a swimming pool. then i realized its not swimming pool, its pool from internet. so how he rape in internet pool! i am thinking now...

Holy crap. WTF was that. Hahahahaha. Man you need some sleep or does the FBI not hand out sleeping tablets, I don't know. The CIA might look for nodes, unless they're on someones but, but again if that person has been given an FBI sleeping tablet it would be easier to find, maybe. As for ninja's, I try and avoid them at all cost which I've succeeded in doing as I have not seen one yet unless they have been given sleeping tablets to.

It's getting me sleepy now and I've not even been to the FBI yet

so if i flag you, you won't rape me?

He'll prolly rape you with the flag pole.

You can wave a flag and sing patriotic songs if you like while I rape you with a flagpole but it's going to cost you extra.

He always slips away to relax on a ranch owned by another Steemian whose name or even parts of which I can't remember at all.

Dude, i love this style.

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