
We're in Hudson's Hope and I used to live in Chilliwack before here and after Ontario. When the kids move on we are looking at somewhere warmer and drier. Maybe Lillooet or closer to the Okanagan. Hard to say right now

Cool. Okanagan or Lillooet are both beautiful. We are both from Ontario too; St. Catherine's for Brian and Windsor area for me. After years in the lower mainland, we hightailed it to Mexico when the kids were old enough and on their own. The rain was a killer.

Yeah, I lasted two years in it. It's beautiful down there and we did a lot of camping from Boston Bar to Merritt and up to 100 Mile House. I love the diverse ecosystems that change every 100 kms. It's pretty crazy after coming from east of Toronto for 27 years. Will you stay in Mexico for good, or come home one day?

For now we are staying put. Besides our kids in Vancouver, there's not too much I am missing :) My family is in Ontario, but that doesn't feel like home anymore either. I'm a bit of a gypsy, so time will tell, but the cost of living and the climate is amazing down here ;)

That's what our friends tell us. They're in zihuatanejo in the winter months.

We don't think of Ontario as home either.

We ripped through a lot of savings when Brian got sick and he eventually ended up on permanent disability. What a nightmare; the government does not make it easy for someone to do that; we actually had one woman on the phone, in a monotone voice, saying "I'm sorry Sir, but cancer is not a disability". Can't make that shit up. Anyway, it was near impossible to make ends meet in Vancouver/Lower Mainland. We can live fairly nicely on that money, so we've left most of the money stress at home. Occasionally, the cost of the meds catch up with us, and it's tight, but in the end, I don't have to go back to work to support us, which is a great thing.

Yeah, I fucking hate money and what it does to people. I can't wait until we are fairly self-sufficient and able to do what we want to do, not what we have to do to survive.

I'm happy that you guys chose that route. I've seen too many people destroyed by cancer in the family and it was all to do with having to work.

Thank you for that. We had talked about it forever, then one day I said, screw it, and put everything on "let go". We've got nothing left there but a storage locker with things like my grandmother's buffet, family photos... irreplaceable items. Funny, you spend your life accumulating to realize it all means squat :)

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