Comedy Open Mic Comedy Contest - Round 21 - THE CONDOM

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago

Greetings COM friends !!! I really appreciate you.
I could not let this week go by without at least sharing some funny story with all of you.

It turns out that I have a COUSIN that is too much of a womanizer. I do not know what happens to that boy but he can not avoid being with so many girls ... I do not know where he knows them, but anyway ...
The issue is that one day your WIFE gets a condom in the pocket of a trouser that had left pulled!

You can imagine the verguero that was formed ...


The cousin, very calm and calm, tells his wife:
"* Pussy that's my friend if he's crazy nojoda * !!!"
"... that was the compadre my love, that put that pod there!"

The wife, like all women, does not have a silly hair, but she becomes crazy and lets that strike pass by saying:
"The compadre? Okay, well ... then I'm going to leave you here and then talk to the compadre"
... and put them in the drawer of the bedside table.

The next day, the WIFE went on a trip to visit her mother on the weekend and the PRIMO was presented with one of her "friends", but since she had not bought the condoms, the barbarian he had the brilliant idea of taking the one that was stored on the bedside table.

Returning from his sexual adventure, he went through a pharmacy and bought some condoms of the same make and model and placed it carefully where the condom.

When the WIFE returned from the trip and knowing her cattle, the first thing she did was to review the body of the crime.
My cousin was very relaxed watching TV when he feels that pain in the leg of the brain PUM! with the broomstick !!!

But woman what happens to you, you went crazy ?!
You grabbed the condom that's there! (Says the most disturbed wife ...)
I did not grab anything girl! that's there ... do not you see it?

And the wife takes a piece of paper out of her pocket and throws it with contempt ...

Do you see that number that is written on that paper?
Of course I see it! what is that?

Well unfortunate ... that's the number of the BARCODE that had the condom that I left there!
... and he put another broom in his ribs ...

Greetings and hugs, friends, they are loved!

I invite my friends @coloper and @correia to participate and have fun on Round 21 of ComedyOpenMic


That's probably a very funny joke in Spanish. However, it does not translate over. Maybe you should try

Thanks dude!

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