Comedy Openmic Round 9 - "Sexual Advice #2" by @jonsnoww

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

How to convince your girlfriend to have sex with you

Hello! my comrades from Comedy Openmic! Today I bring for you my entry to Round 9. I hope that my wisdom will enlighten you and lead you on the right path.

Many thanks to my girl and accomplice in my madness, @betavirosis

I nominate to @temistocles123 and @betavirosis

May my wisdom be with you all.

Follow my Advice @dj123 , @yesaye , @buttcoins , @holybranches xD .


I'm following you now so I can keep up with your advices...I'm taking notes.

I'm glad you liked my advice.

Thanks for your advice, there will be many couples who will make love on this night's night.
Ha ha

hahahaha the birth rate will increase thanks to me

i can see you're a persuasive man

👍👍👍 - just like when you were a kid persistently bugging 🐜 momma to buy you candy

hahaha the one who perseveres wins, that lesson is learned from childhood xD

Jejejeje muy convincente! Quién se resiste?

Nadie, son técnicas milenarias que recogí en mi visita espiritual en la India.

ha ha, buen consejo ... ahora solo necesito encontrar una novia 😆

Tranquilo, amigo! Muy pronto subiré un tutorial para ello.

Ha ha. cool

No se por qué no funciono el tip número 2 si eso se escuchaba tan hermoso

Las escalas que toqué fueron demasiado complejas para su oído. A veces pasa.

jajajajaj La mas acertada la milenaria, aunque todas son importantes. Pregunto sera que me funcionan con mi NO novio?

jajajaja por supuesto que todas son importantes, dentro de poco subiré un tutorial de como seducir a un hombre xD

Jajajaja!!! Buenísimo, mighty!!

yeah mighty!!! cuando veremos tu entrada en el concurso??

Esta semana hago una bro. Te llamaré por asesoría, Oh poderoso guerrero xD

dame...I am thinking how much sex I missed because I did not know about step 4.

My penis and myself thank you very much

I'm glad I lit you

HAHA I love how in #1 she just shakes her head no @ you... jaja me encanta el video de verdad jaja yo quiereo hacer uno!

I would love to see one of your videos

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