#ComedyOpenMic Helps the World - Literally - (Only Mildly Virtue Signalling)

in #comedyopenmic7 years ago (edited)

The guys and gals who run #comedyopenmic, @comedyopenmic are getting a lot of great content onto this platform and ensuring that Steem is getting paid out to content creators who truly deserve it (other than me, of course...I've tricked three or four people into thinking I am good for write things).

And the thing with people who like to think they are funny and can do comedy...these are all usually people who have experienced some of the rougher edges of life, giving them a perspective on the world that is slightly different than people who experience only (or mostly) the pleasant sides of life.

This means that people who trick themselves into believing they're funny (Hey Guys! I.L.T. Yodith here!) understand what its like to be vulnerable and need help.

One of the ways in which the most vulnerable people in the world need help is with obtaining things as basic as medical aide and medical supplies.

And one of the top rated charities (rated 100% by CharityNavigator who brings and supplies these basic necessities to the people who need it most is Direct Relief.

So although it's not much--a drop in a drop in an ocean of need--I donated $100.00 to DirectRelief and this donation was directly 100% inspired by and in honor of the #comedyopenmic project. (I had put the little "Dedicated to #comedyopenmic" thing on the donation options but it didn't come out showing this on the receipt...). The kindness with which the central people involved in this project have treated me, got me thinking about why communities who just have the misfortune to be without necessities couldn’t use Steemit, especially the parts of it with the nicest people, like the comedy guys and gals, to improve their situations.

And that got me to realizing that that idea is about 5 steps ahead of the game, for people who don’t even have basic medical services or supplies.

So I figured if dogecoin can Jamaican athletes to the Olympics, and #comedyopenmic exceeds the level of kindness that you get with the Shibes, well then #comedyopenmic can start getting basic necessities to people who really need them right now.


Please spread the word that #comedyopenmic is a group of people that are not only mildly funny (without a lot of humorless bores like myself mixed in), but that it is also a group that is trying to help a lot of different people and groups, including content creators, writers, comedians, Steemit investors, and the most vulnerable people around the globe.

#comedyopenmic and the people involved with it may be funny, but they take helping people very seriously.

Let people know and get involved! It's (mostly) funny and, in its own tiny way, it's helping make the world a better place.


👍👍👍- stop being a boo-hoo-hoo i have no Steemit life except be with these rag tag team sad
lot of mildly funny / comedic losers / Oompa Loompas....yes i know we're just the excuse of an amusement for you when the news paper been read, dog has been fed, and all orifice cleaned out....but hey don't misunderstand, we'll gladly take any menial attention you throw into our beggar's bow

p.s. your kindness, warmph, generosity of spirit, and endless support that you have shown makes me feel like all this efforts will not be in vain and that maybe someday we all can collectively make a difference to as many others as possible, and who knows perhaps as a collective consciousness even significantly impact many who are still struggling in our global community.......once again your support speaks beyond volumes like a beautiful compliment....thank you my friend

So now you’re just trying to out virtue signal me with your heartfelt micrography?

I guess I’ll just have to up the virtue signaling ante by letting everyone know that something I am very much against is being mean to sick children and I think we should give $1 million to every poor person in the world so that they can smile and give hugs to each other every day. If I had $1 million I would use it to grow my investment into lots more millions of dollars so that I could eliminate racism and poverty and nickelback and starvation and war.


Now this comment has more virtue signaling than a freshman dorm at California a liberal-arts college.

bwahahah.....got you, you'll take these rewards and you'll like it!

I could eliminate ........................ nickelback .........


Finally I can upvote you for this post.

Some advice if you're interested.
Generally speaking people won't upvote posts without payout rewards. So even though you say the most important things in those posts they get no recognition since no one wants to waste the VP on something that won't be seen. If you get me.

@netuoso and his group created a service that allows you to burn the author rewards while allowing the curation rewards to go ahead. Plus when you use it, it looks no different on steemit. This would allow you to maintain a starving artist level of virtue and get the word out on topics you feel so close to.

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