Reality Shows All Over Me! (Part 2 Comedy Open Mic 37)

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

This post is a mini series about the reality shows that actually play every week in my TV and thus my Country. The concept is to present them in a more funny similar to a parody. In the previous post i talked about the Survival Shows, something you can easily read by clicking here. Today i am gonna present the.....wait for it........wait a bit more........

Cooking Reality Shows


This show is all about cooking! In order to get in, you just have to make dish either this is a gourmet one or just what your grandma made you when you were a kid. All it maters is the taste,the execution and the love! (not so much the complexity) 

If you pass to the next stage, you are entering a whole new world that all that matters is being on a reality show......i meant cooking. You may enter with a simple but great dish but for the next round you have to cut a potato in 10 different ways because it's a thing only MasterChefs can do?

If you dive in further into competition get ready for the true essence of cooking. Take the Chefs, throw them in a forest with 1 pot, a pan, let them find water, lift a fire and even find cooking ingredients that nature provides them. Because as you know being a top Chef in 2018 means you can cook in a forest with nothing, like we did 10.000 years ago. 

If i could suggest something, when Masterchef 2 comes out give them knives and bows and let them hunt their food. It can be like hunger games but with a more catchy name, Chef Games! 

MasterChef Junior 

Because MasterChef was a huge success the big minds behind it thought..... what else can we do to earn more money? "Throw in some children". Thus the idea was born and we have the exact same concept but with children. 

First of all, i don't know how the fuck these kids can cook so well when they are 8-9 years old. I remember myself in that age be happy making a toast or filling a glass with orange juice without spilling anything out. Except the fact that this show helps you understand what it is to be a parent or what awaits you, as the children cry all the time it is funny as hell though. You can clearly see how the parents raise them and what are the do or don'ts. Let me share a story and dialog below about a team cooking challenge i just happen to watch in this show.

Each team had 10 members, a leader and a second in command. It is clear to everyone that the leader chooses what the rest will do and if anyone has any problem they can simply ask either him or his second in command. Pretty clear right?

So we have this girl who is 9 years old and that she must slice a pumping, that's her only job. She agrees to it and the challenge starts. Everyone is doing their job but guess who doesn't?  5 minutes later the girl simply take some cucumbers and slices them saying that "i'll do what i want, they don't give me a job". 

5 minutes later....

The other kids actually needed the cucumbers in order to add them in a dish they were making but they realize someone else already "stole" them and basically ruined their dish. When the leader asks who took them, nobody speaks.

The little girl later on says in camera "when he asked i said i took them but i said it with my inner voice :P" When their team loses because of that and the leader discovers whose fault was that, she replies with the "i do what i want". The judges ask the leader what went wrong and when he says and the others agree that the girl basically ruined their recipe, they simply reply by "you are the leader it's your fault" hahahaha

To me this is extremely funny but we are talking about little kids. Imagine how the leader kid felt and what impact this will make in his life. The life lesson he learned is that he will always be at fault!

Bake Off  

Because cooking become a bit mainstream the bright minds thought of something different yet again. Why don't we make a show dedicated to making pies and sweets and in general anything regarding baking. All i have to say about this show is that i simply don't watch it. I tried watching it 2 times and both of them i went and bought or made some sweets too :P

They must make a youtube challenge, let people watching it and next to them have sweets and chocolates. For each time they take a bite they have to pay 1$, if they manage to get through the whole episode without eating a sweet they earn 5$!

images and gifs 1 2 3 4 5

Hi filotasriza3,

Thank you for your entry in to #comedyopenmic comedy contest. We have asked the judges below to review your entry and give it a funny rating. (They generally have no sense of humor, as the saying goes, those that can't do, start contests and judge).
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lol, It's always the leaders fault... because they are the ones with the responsibility to make sure everything happens as it should. You did cook up a pretty good post here, and spiced it up a good bit, just so we get a good taste of these cool shows...

You did cook up a pretty good post here, and spiced it up a good bit, just so we get a good taste of these cool shows...

hahaha magnificent!

I was practicing for @improv's Punday Monday.... lol

I approve!

Posted using Partiko Android

I've never gotten past the first thirty seconds of any cooking show...Ever

haha you can do it i believe in you!

Hahaha, great entry!! I have seen the masterchef once and hated it. Attitude of these contestants was just too bad. We have now something on a German TV which is called Taste. The contestants have to prepare a dish that they will style on a spoon - so the whole dish is on one spoon that you put in your mouth and eat. Unbelievable. I have never seen such great creations in such a small format :D

I love the Masterchef junior.. sometimes I feel that those kids can cook better than me today :D It's very embarrassing. Their parents must be proud.

And bake off? GOD! This is another one with stunning creations that makes you want to get a cake NOW! :D

Thank you for sharing! I had a lot of fun! :)

a dish that they will style on a spoon

lol they managed to actually create something that will not satisfy the hunger of anyone and at the same time cost more than dishes that actually can :P

illusion and destruction level 100! :P

I do agree with you. The waste in that show is huge. I hope that they give to the poor at least..

I have watched master chef a few times and really, the things they go through just to make it to the top is pretty hilarious. Lol. And oh, your post to is hilarious😉

Those kids different attitudes and different character is enough to make for a funny show. Lol! I too have no idea how these kids learn. Maybe these chefs teach them before the show? It's a reality show anyways... Lol

yea honestly i don't care about the recipes or how hard it is to create these dishes, i just wanna know how these kids cooks like that :P

Hahahahh! Well, we should call them genius, i guess...😀

This made me smile lol!

As if he's crying jokingly lol
Look at the face boy! lol

Great entry Filo!
Is Filo your name just guessing lol!
I'd seen your profile, you live in exotic country, why exotic which country? lol

hehe that's the reason i chose this gif!

It's just a nickname so even if you call me Fil or F it will be the same :P
i won't reveal my exotic country, although i have done it in multiple posts :P

Okay I'll call you Riza, same name with my younger sister lol
Reveal what is your exotic country and I'll resteem your post.
I'm resteeming posts daily.
Looking forward on your next post!

call me riza then i will remind you, your sister and you will feel more close to me :P

It's Greece but i don't care about the resteem!

Oh its Greece!
Thank you!

I'll bookmark your profile. Whenever I'll resteem others, I'll also resteem yours.
I'll resteem your latest post whenever I'm online.
Have a great day sister!

Όσο ρηχό κι αν ακουστεί, όλα ξεκινάνε και σταματάνε στον υπέρτατο Τερπεζίδη. Έφυγε, σταμάτησα να το βλέπω.-

ποιο ειναι αυτο ο ψευταρας?

χαχαχ ναι ο γλυκός μου!! Ο μικρός θεούλης!!

hahahahaha I laughed a lot with your comedy about masterchef and you have every reason to make the subject burlezco, is that seriously the producers of T.V at this time do not know about what to do the programs and the first thing that comes to mind is put on the air.I've always imagined something like the parody they did in south park of how they wrote the chapters of family guy and were actually some manaties that deposited colored balls with XD phrases something like that must be how they come up with programs for T.V .. I wouldn't be surprised if I got a version of chef games.

excellent entry, you have left me laughing.

thank you for sharing


haha thanks a lot! South Park RULES! :p

Great idea @filotasriza3! Thanks for the laughs.

thanks for the visit!

howdy from Texas filotasriza! I know those reality tv shows are crazy, especially the Junior Chef one which I've watched a couple of time so you did a really good job of making the premise look funny and ridiculous.
Do you do funny and sarcastic reviews of other kinds of shows also? With so many of them they could be an endless supply of posts!

this will be a mini series about reality shows that actually "play" now on my country. I categorized them into Survival Shows, Cooking Shows (i have already made post about these 2 types) and i have 3 more posts like that!

Generally speaking my main content is reviews of movies-series-anime, and funny-stupid stuff that mostly revolve around my life. Also, sometimes i tend to be more serious and write stuff about Steemit-Steem and share my thoughts cause i am nearly 2 years in that platform and i believe i know one thing or two!

With so many of them they could be an endless supply of posts!

that's a pretty good idea and i might consider it in the future! When and if I do (most probably yes) i'll give you the credits :P

howdy again filotasriza3! very interesting indeed. Do you get a lot of American tv shows where you are? Where are you bytheway? lol.

we usually don't because it was considered a thing of the past but a year ago they started with survivor, it was a huge success and then all the other channels either brought american reality shows or created their rip offs!

i am from Greece!

howdy again filotasriza! oh Greece! how you guys even have winters over there? I've never met anyone from Greece, everyone just goes there on vacation! How is the economy? Survivor is my favorite show.

hahaha we have winters depending on where you go and when :P (but mostly sunny days :P)

It's an awesome country if you can visit it someday, i don't wanna brag about my country but i have visited quite some, so i can say with pride that we have so many things for someone to see and do.

The economy is rather tricky. It's definitely not good but not as bad as the media say. We have a lot of corruption in every field though. This is a question though that has many variables so i can't give you a better answer except if you ask something very specific :P

howdy again filotasriza3! thanks so much for getting back with me. I'm glad it's not as bad as the media says, they do like to hype everything. And I would love to go there someday! keep up the good work!

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