Elia VS Poultry - Comedy Open Mic Round #6

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)



I love cooking and I consider it as a creative process during my day. It's a way to release stress and I also fill my tummy according to my own taste. Chicken however is my worst enemy-and turkey as well.

These birds give me goosebumps! I see them more as a corpse instead of food to be. Their pores and the way their dead skin looks is just disgusting. I will narrate two different fail stories/experiences I had with them that I don’t want to remember.



Round 1

It’s Christmas and we have visited a friend in Glasgow. We would be turning back to London in Christmas Eve and of course we had to eat the traditional Christmas turkey. So we bought the bird from Marks and Spencer in Glasgow in order to host it in our lunch the next day. The defrosting took place in the train, in a shelf above our heads. Every once in a while I was getting the bird down squeezing it, to check the progress of defrosting. Even though I hated it with all my heart, I was being really kind and caring.

Christmas arrived and I faced the awful reality. The time to deal with the monster had come. It was the first time I had a whole creature to cook in front of me. I wore my gloves and started “petting” it with the butter, the herbs, and treated the ugliest thing on earth like a queen. I put it in the oven and waited and waited and it has been remaining the same off-white monster it was before. Then a bright idea came to my mind, to pour some water in there to wake it up a bit. It was a disastrous move from my side. That piece of shit wanted to get more on my nerves and decided to start roasting after a while, but only on its upper part. I ended up with a half roasted, half stew turkey. I literally wanted to through it from the window to go tell its Scottish friends to go screw themselves. Instead of a Christmas turkey, we ended up eating Christmas salad and cheese.



Round 2

I went to the butcher and asked for chicken thighs. I had a delicious recipe from my grand mother and I got back home with pride, as an excited little chef. I got the thighs off the paper and what I encountered haunts me till today. They were with their bones! Ok not a big deal you might think. Yeah for you. For a normal person maybe. For me it was a huge deal actually. I wanted to get those bones out of there and I grabbed a knife to start the butchering myself. (The recipe wanted fillet thighs not the whole leg, with the shoes).

The difficulty rating was 10/10. The sound of cutting the flesh while touching the bone, the smell, the pores, the bloody parts made me sick and I wanted to cry so bad. I could almost hear the chicken calling me a bitch for treating it that way.

Enough is enough. I will return the half butchered legs to their boss. I wrapped the mistreated chicken and went back to the butcher. Help me please, I cannot do anything with those pimpled legs sir. Could you please rip the meat out of the bone for me? Please. Please. The poor guy smiled hesitantly, and handed me the fillet thighs.

The score ended 2-0 so, chickens and your cousins, live your lives free and away from my kitchen. Bye.

I would also like to nominate @nsbachourin and @ruth-girl to take part in this contest here! :)


Happy to see you chickened out

hahaha Oh I did!

were it but that poultry got the better of us, worse yet were it to come by and discover a rodent controlling the chicken.

hahah interesting thought!

the kitchen chicken surrender.

hahahah exactly!


I could almost hear the chicken calling me a bitch for treating it that way.

That piece of shit wanted to get more on my nerves

I wore my gloves and started “petting” it

Τα τρως αν κάποιος άλλος τα μαγειρεύει;;

Ευχαριστώ!! Ναι αμέ! Στο στομάχι μου τα θέλω στην κουζίνα μου δεν τα θέλω.. :P

xaxa katalaba :D

Ahahaha! Lady you got issues! But don't worry, we all do :P

And shame on you for vandalizing a dead chickens' thighs! (Btw, I could hate you for that, since I looove chicken, I could survive just on it, but you're an ok girl with an awesome sense of humor, so it's ok. I still like you!)

And thanks for the nomination!!! @filotasriza3 nominated me last week too, but I didn't have the time to make a proper entry. I think I'll make it for this round! ;)

hahah thanks for your kind words! Well, I like to eat chicken, I just don't enjoy cooking in myself :P It's exhausting actually..

Oh he did? I didn't remember that :) I'd love to read your post on this contest :)

I'll be on it soon. I think I have an embarassing story I could share. No worries, I won't describe poultry flesh of any kind (nor will I add photos of that in my entry)

hahah Thank God! :)

If most people had to actually kill animals and remove the skin they would probably turn vegan, it's hard and it is difficult... We mostly buy products that are already butchered and ready to cook

That's true!! I would definitely be a vegan! It's a cruel procedure I want nothing to do with..

Who told you to mess with dinosaurs.

Truer words were never spoken!

I have the same issue with fish that retain their heads ....ack lol

hahaha I totally understand!! Not pleasant either!

Thanks @eliakon for sharing your experience and letting us laugh at with you.

The sound of cutting the flesh while touching the bone, the smell, the pores, the bloody parts made me sick and I wanted to cry so bad.

I like how you describe this so that the reader can actually feel what you experienced. I understand, I know people who can't stand the smell and sight of blood...my sister passes out.

I'm ok with dealing with whole chickens but recently, on one particular occasion, I wanted to show my daughter how to wash and cut up a whole chicken so as I was rubbing salt all over it and washing it, I said to her, "This must be how it is to wash dead people" [I know I'm weird and have been told on numerous occasions]. She looked at me with this weird look on her face and said, "Why would you say such a thing?". Well, long story short, it popped into my head cuz I remembered my mother telling me how she had to wash her mom when she passed...back then the close relatives did that instead of the people in the morgue, it's changed now. Anyway, I don't think my daughter will be cutting her own meat...that's what butchers are for anyway, right?

I believe that kids should learn the truth about several issues, pleasant or not.. They understand more than we think and they are also more mature than we believe them to be..

I have heard that "ritual" with the salt before and it is the same in many cultures... It is supposed to be purifying in general, not only for the dead ones..

Regarding the butchering... I agree with you that it's not our job ;)

You're right. Kids are usually more mature and can handle situations better than adults give them credit for.

Oh, that's an interesting fact about salt, thanks.

This is hilarious, great entry @eliakon😂🤣😊

Thank you so much!! :)

Good luck too 😊

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