Crypto 911 - FAIR TRADE

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago

Comedy Open Mic Week #5

In a world where cryptocurrency has become main stream, a team of professionals have come together to solve any and all blockchain era emergencies, they are Crypto 911!

With this sketch collaboration we played with some of the mechanisms of Improv. Though we are in different countries, we were able to adapt the idea of immediate reaction to the previous characters scene and we did not plan our reactions in order to stay true to the nature of improv. We created scene by scene reacting to the information the characters gave in each clip and then sent these clips back and forth to each other over a two day stretch. It was a blast waiting to see how each of us would react to the others cut and an amazing experience to see how it organically came together as we progressed through the skit. I hope you all enjoy as much as we enjoyed creating it!

Thanks to @buttcoins, @maslowmission and @neeqi for playing the characters in this skit!

Big Love to the @dtubedaily Fam
We would like to nominate @artakush and @to7 for next weeks Open Mic.

▶️ DTube

bwahahah! @buttcoins, @maslowmission and @neeqi guys killed it!

👍👍👍👍- caus cuz don't need an italian car to buy crypto

You don't need an italian vehicle but it sure helps in your crypto journey ;) haha

Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the comment!

HAHA! :D Amazing video!
@maslowmission your accent kills it!
@buttcoins as a Crypto Boss
@neeqi your face at the end :D

Good Job Fam! :)

Thanks brother man! Loving the improv game :D

You going to get in the next one?! haha

I though about it actually :D Why not ;) I even got an idea already.

Yeah Yeah! Hit me with a DM and lets get it rolling :)

Great sketch folks! I gotta get me summa that taxy-dermy!

I know a guy, DM me Sam ;)

Well performed guys!! And @maslowmission doing that accent is just freaking hilarious!! hahahahaha

Winny out...for now ;)

Who would have thought I had so much southern blood running through these veins?? Crypto just brings it out in me hahaha :D

Wait! You’re saying I don’t need an Italian car to invest into Crypto?! Shit I bought a Fiat and wanted to sell it for Bitcoins because everybody told me I should change my Fiat into Crypto...

That was an expensive mistake....

nice perform ^^

Hhahahah that was so great! Dayum y'all nailed it. So creative and such a great message. I actually completely forgot that localbitcoin existed! Y'all are doing a great service to the crypto and creative space ;-)

@buttcoins your character kind of reminds me of the captain character at the beginning of the movie "Waking Life". If you haven't seen that movie yet, watch it!

And @maslowmission that character was so damn great. @neeqi's reaction brought it all together. Major props y'all!

Thanks axios! Really enjoyed creating this.

it's been many years since i watched waking life...ill have to refresh. glad you enjoyed man!

It was like watching Boomhauer from king of the hill trying to buy cryptocurrency. Awesome job!

Man that is more of a compliment than you could ever imagine! Thanks brother :D

I have special items I would like to trade for crypto. Any takers ?

I'm in! Where and when can we meet?

Fun watching this. Real talent.

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TRX 0.12
JST 0.027
BTC 53933.04
ETH 2871.02
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.00