The Magical Powers of My Seated Butt

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)



I'm convinced there is some kind of synaptic connection that occurs between my butt and whatever surface it is mooshed against.

I'm serious!

Much like touching two wires together, it is when my rear is planted that my mind seems to whir... though there is a definite distinction of thought process depending on exactly where and on what;

For example:

If I am seated in the grass my thoughts tend to be of a simple yet profound nature; if my butt is in some dirt out in the woods the thoughts are a bit more complex; if it's on the bowl every task and chore I need to complete runs through my head; the chair at my desk? Story ideas abound--

--and then there is the living room furniture thoughts.


These tend to be a tad more basic in nature- since I'm generally glued to the boob tube at the time- such as 'what do I have to snack on?' And this is also where the butt/seat connection is most obvious.

Because at least fifty percent of the time- and I'm probably being generous by not calling it seventy- when my rump lifts from its perch I will make it halfway to my destination before my feet become utterly befuddled and cease their forward motion.

Yep, my feet figure out I've lost the connection several seconds before my brain catches up. And you think I would have learned by now that when this occurs take tushy directly back to it's happy place- because I don't care if I open every cupboard in the kitchen, sift through every drawer, or peruse every shelf in the fridge, I am not going to remember why I'm there until my ass kisses the couch once more-

but as soon, and I do mean the moment my behind hits that cushion KABAM! like a lightning strike- Salsa and chips! And with a snort of frustration, up I go again.

On the bright side- at least I burn off a few of the calories I'm going to consume with my Absent-Minded Aerobics:

Up off the couch I'm gliding, gliding,
then Freeze!
stare blankly...Then whirl!
Now trudge!
touch butt to seat and spring back up!
then glide once more, go twice as far
retrieve item then lope and plop-
now crunch!

So tell me everyone, is this phenomenon exclusive to me, or do you also experience the Seated Butt Connection?

I was nominated by the lovely @surfermarly to try my hand at #comedyopenmic, so if this didn't make you giggle--blame her! And I'll refrain from torturing you with future attempts :)

Oh, and this is comedy open-mic week 13- and it appears the nominations are encouraged so-- @kiwideb and @sift666 GO :)

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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i think you have some kind of super powers, some combo of buttikinesis & buttypathy

Buttypathy, haha, I think I might steal that one ;)

Maybe you should cut the cable that connects your butt.
Ha ha

when your butt is wet, does it gwt easier or harder to remember?

I am well versed in the seated Butt connection. great post!

Haha! I admit that your name alone causes me to think you are well versed in all connections butt related ;)

LOL - I'm dying!!! :-D

Ah, wish you good luck with this contest! I want to participate as well, but I am more into visual stuff. Maybe I'll do a video!
You have indeed a thoughtful and spiritual ass, that you have been taking care of.
A kiss all the way down there.

You should do a video! Yep, a spiritual, thoughtful ass I have- but not a sparkly one, that's your talent --


Did you see the manga version? (By the way, I just ordered 2 new wigs from amazon, can't wait to show it to you!!!)

Oh god, no, I'm not funny (except accidentally). But I do have a wiggly butt...

That was my reaction to this challenge, SHIT, I HAVE TO BE FUNNY? Wayyy out of my comfort zone. No worries my darling, accept the challenge or don't ;)

Edit: Make sure Ian sees this ;)

I think Colt Ford had similar worries when they decided to go country/rap genre, lol

Hahaha! Salsa and chips

Great entry, my dear!! I bet many can relate with these type of connections :-) So nobody should blame ME!

Thank you my love! Hee hee ;)

Haha this is soooo relatable XD


Yes! I knew I couldn't be the only one ;)

Heh, great story - brought a smile to my face. PS! I think it's just exclusive to you.

Thanks :) Haha! Good to know!

Lol, @dreemit,

I get the zoned out forgetful feeling sometimes, and I have to retrace my steps too, but that's it.
My butt is quite independent, and the only thought that runs through my mind when I plant my butt somewhere is a toe tingling sigh of bliss.

You have an independent butt? Hee. I hear you on the toe tingling sigh of bliss! :)

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