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RE: Bring Back the Bullies >>> Some of Us, Self-Evidently ... Need an Ass-Kicking (ComedyOpenMic #39)

Wow, that is a hilarious story. They let you in there to begin with?! How???

I thought the clapping = triggering thing was made up at first... clearly you were being serious. That's insane. I love how you just ramped up the enthusiasm in response. Wow, what a great story, I'm still chuckling. I think you're gonna do OK in this round of COM ;) (see your assigned judges)



It's not easy being me ... stupidity is a heavy burden.

As I mentioned to Lynn, my daughter and I were reminiscing about this incident and she said I should organize a "Standing Ovation Contest" (last video). I think, though, that that would require an unusually large SBD Prize (remember, this stuff stays on the blockchain forever).

To test people's willingness to humiliate themselves in public for money, I'm putting the final touches on a segue Contest ... a somewhat lesser public humiliation for money. It is so utterly stupid that even I'm surprised.

What's great about this Contest is that all my reject ideas for Poetry ... gets to be recycled for ComedyOpenMic. I've just doubled my production efficiency!

Quill :-)

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