
hahhaha! That strikes a very funny image of you sitting around reading children's books all day, is that what you do at the ambulance place? haha! what do they call the ambulance place by the way, the station?

Yep, I call it the ambulance station.

Haha, that would be pretty funny if I were sitting around there reading children’s books, but no, it’s me sitting around every evening and weekend reading to my toddler 🙂

and learning as you read to him or her, very smart and efficient of you sir. and you will be doing posts on the stuff you're learning or just parody stuff? lol.

Hah, I hope I've learned the basics of sharing and colors and being brave at the doctor by now, but if I do pick something new up I'll be sure to report in on it! :D

haha! I have no idea what is in children's books now except for Dr Suesse!

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