Comedy Open Mic - Round 30 - Winners' post

We're continuing with the new format. Let us know if you like it.

Firstly, please look at our logo:

Thank you to @gnarlyanimations for designing our new logo

It is here for two reasons, firstly it's pretty gnarly. Secondly the reason which came first is that it hides who the jester is. As do these words because they will show up on your screen so we're trying not to give it away.

This week we had nominations for Court Jester and they are:

Congratulations to all of you. You managed something quite rare. You've managed to make a bunch of depressed maniacs laugh enough that they now like you (good luck, hope you figure out how to escape the dungeon). Without any further standing on ceremony (my ceremonial thong is itchy) here is your winner this week:

The Comedy Open Mic Comedy Contest Court Jester for Round 30:

Apparently I Have Been Curating Wrong - Appealing To The Masses | Comedy Open Mic Round #30

I have been nominated to partake in the wonderful #ComedyOpenMic contest more times than I can count... it’s just that I am super lame and it’s taken me this long to enter (sorry guys!). But here we are, it’s finally happening.. so get your pants on @amirtheawesome1 and let’s do this thing!

All rewards (Liquid and SP) from this post will be donated to the #comedyopenmic community for the hilariousness they add to this place.
So open up your wallets gentleman and show it the love you show yourselves when self voting 😄

For those of you who don’t know me (which let’s be honest is probably most of you), I am an avid curator on this insane and time consuming daytime drama we call Steemit. I have spent the majority of my 8 months here behind the scenes, trying to do my part to get those authors that add value to the platform seen... I think it’s important to showcase our best goods, to attract new users and investors.

The problem is, I had no idea I have been doing it wrong this whole time 😱

It turns out, no one wants to see exceptional content... because well, that’s not what entertains the masses. I just learned this fact while reading this post the other day...

I mean sure, he’s got a point.. we have to grow Steem before we can expect the content here to be important or even seen by the outside world and yes yes.. Steem isn’t just a blogging platform. I’m not a complete idiot.. I understand he makes good points. And that this is the world we live in...

Then after speaking to a few other individuals that will not be named... (*because the fact that they are shit content consumers themselves makes my heart ache a bit *😛). I realized it was true....

The masses don’t want exceptional content!! 🙈🙊🙉

I mean... wtf have I been doing with my life? I had this crazy idea that Steemit was suppose to be different, better than those other platforms.

Well, to apologize for my complete and utter misunderstanding of what you guys wanted..

I’ve compiled some really great content here that will definitely appeal to the masses...


I heard that cats and twerking were all the rage, so why not kill two birds with one stone?

And selfies are a thing yes?

They seem to be all the rage with celebrities 🤷‍♀️

Now, I like funnies.. and people falling is hilarious..

Especially when they are attractive and falling...

Since no one is really concerned about the context of the said content.. I guess we should go back to the foundations of society....

🔥Sex Sells🔥

So, we don’t need much more than this right?

You’re welcome boys 😉

Don’t worry ladies!! I didn’t forget about you either...

I mean... what’s the point of exceptional after all? When we can be like every other platform out there...

Appeal To Which Masses?

I don’t know though... we have some pretty hilarious people on this platform, all you have to do is check the #comedyopenmic tag to find our own steemit exclusive comedians.

Want some hottie photos? Have you seen @hiddenblade ‘s art?

She beats Beyoncé any day of the week

In the mood for good music? We’ve got that too...

Just check the #openmic tag!

Plus... I mean come on guys... We have our very own @grumpycat

What other platform can say that?

Sure we need to attract the crowds to grow the platform.. but let’s not lose our souls on the way there k?

This is my sad attempt at ranting with a hilarious twist.. hope you enjoyed 😄

I hereby nominate @berniesanders because I think under all his hilariousness he actually cares about this place... and I’ve seen him support that exceptional content.

And @TheMarkyMark because I stole at least 3 gifs from him in this post... and I think he’s funny 😁

Much love,


All content in this post belongs to its rightful owner that I stole it from on the internet. Shit posts don’t need sources right?

The remaining prizes will be announced in the comment under this post.

Come say "Hi" to the judges or get tips on improving or just chat with other contestants. We have opened up a ComedyOpenMic discord channel, Click Here. Don't be shy, come say "hi".

Round 31 is now under way so remember to put in your entries, upvote our contestants and share the laughs all over steemit and beyond!!

Over 30 weeks we have managed to give away >3000 SBD and 338 Steem (current value of >$3,150USD, at time of posting). So don't forget to keep upvoting @comedyopenmic when you see it. The more upvotes we get, the more we will give away.

@ComedyOpenMic is the Proud Sponsor of @ProjectGiving
@ProjectGiving uses the power of the Steem Blockchain to raise exposure and funds for small scale non-profit initiatives around the world. Click on the banner to learn more about this week's fundraiser for: Yokaenso, a Tanzanian non-profit which seeks to create an ecologically sustainable community.

Click To Vote @ComedyOpenMic For Witness And Disrupt The Steem Blockchain With Laughter!
Support COM Banner

Thank you to @matytan for the great banner


Congrats to you weiners. Nice going @llfarms. Posts about dicks, tits and ass are very much encouraged on COM as well. We're a no judgy community, unlike @grumpycat

Well said!

I'm sorry for being so late in telling you THANK YOU! for the honor if picking my video.

I really love that you are trying to spread happiness through all of Steemit!!!

Fantastic choice for the winner! I also agree that Amir's was a pretty close one too.

congrats everyone!!! and @llfarms yay! This helps a bit to fund your road to steemfest ;)

Have an up vote...

hmm... need a thing for this...

an up yours?
up float?

I got it.. and up troat

lol yeah, that's the one!

What the what!?!?? Yay!! Thank you so much guys, I’m honored.. and so glad the blackmail is working 😘

The old be incredibly funny trick...

Works every time

Thank you for the door prize! May I assure you that it will go to a very good cause (and no it's not blackjack and hookers, sorry to disappoint).

Never mind the blackjack.

@comedyopenmic You have received a 100% upvote from because this post did not use any bidbots and you have not used bidbots in the last 30 days!

Upvoting this comment will help keep this service running.

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