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RE: Starting a curation collective // Cocainum-curate

Im sorry, but a slacker drug? I smoke cannabis and work 6 days a week, and support my family on the Central Coast of California, which is not cheap. Apparently you have bought into the bull shit propaganda that has been pushed down our throats over the years. Maybe do your research on cannabis, and it's benefits. Also do your research on @canna-curate, we are more then just about cannabis. Also it's not called Marijuana, it's cannabis, and Willie Nelson has accomplished more then the whole Steemit community combined. The tag #misguided and #uninformed should have been used.


Was trying to make fun of the whole subculture thing and glorification of something like cannabis. I drink alcohol and used to smoke for 4 years and i find the "Tobacco gentleman societies" (or anything equivalent) equally ridiculous. It doesnt matter if it does or does not have medicinal properties.

The funny part is that you are offended over jokes? If someone made a post mocking "Ozujsko" beer i wouldnt give a damn.

"Glorification of something like cannabis"... Yes I glorify it. It saves lives. It can replace dangerous drugs for pain, depression and more. I DO NOT take weak attempts to slander MY community as jokes, especially since it wasn't even funny.

Dont worry.. Youll forget about it in a second.

Epic! Shit have a laugh!

Posted using Partiko Android

Epic! Shit have a laugh!! Smoke some more pot!

Posted using Partiko Android must not know me. If you want me to should move along.

Ahhhh!! Ozujsko beer, something we can both agree on,


Here is me buying you a beer to say lets be friends and laughing at people taking things out of context. I just fell strong about the subject, and stopped reading after the term "slackers". Stereotypes can be funny, im not going to lie. Let me give you an up vote to counter that flag. Also let me be the first to be the one who delegates to this cocaine trail, maybe we can get Lindsay lohan to sign up to Steem!! lol

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