
You need the state buddy. You need it to protect you from people like me.
You are 5 foot 5 fat fuck and you can't run - I'm 6 foot 3 230 pounds of pure madness and fury and I'm sick of all the bullshit. You're going down buddy.

Oh you know karate? Aww that's cute. Will you use it before or after I smash your face wich a brick?

I will rape you and eat your flesh and make a nice warm soup out of your bones with a little bit of parsley and vinegar for that extra taste.

"El sexo anal es el sexo fenomenal"
which translates: "We should all be nice to each other".

Bwahahah .... Prokletstvo! Gangster komedijani Srbi su konačno stigli!

do it again! do it again!

hey @beograd, come join the gang in COM Discord:

čoveče! moras da se prijavis za takmicenje, tu se događa sva magija

how do you think we get so many Curies for #ComedyOpenMic ??


our community support knows no bound, we also try to promote by spotting good write up if we spot them COM Discord there is #post-promote-general (for non Comedy) and #post-promote-com.

we think good comedy takes time produce (like good wine) and cannot be mass produce, connoisseur comedy takes time to recharge (even for the masters)....we're pushing for quality over quantity, but it takes time to build a culture, there is a limit of only 2 comedy entry a week, post a 2nd one before Friday, and try to make it into Discord to past the link there, it will get more curators eyes on it

Fist bump on that shit bro. I've been getting invited to Discord for a year now. I got on one time and it looked like a stock market tracker had sex with an AOL message board. I'm pretty sure if I'd have given it five minutes to figure out how it works I'd have made valuable lifelong friends and connections but instead, I gave up before I ever started and went back to masturbating.
Check that shit out and let me know how it works.

Konacno da dodje smesan srbin, cekam od prvu rundu. Super si.

Welcome to #comedyopenmic @beograd. I don't know Spanish but I'm pretty sure that's not what that saying on the bottom means, heheh.

Hold on - what does it really mean?
I'm stuck here at the Mexican border, in a holding cell, after I said that to the border agent after I was cleared by customs!?! Followed it with 'Tenga un buen dia, pappy!' 😊
He was really, really mad at me for saying "We should be nice to each other and have a good day Sir?"
I don't get it... and my phone batt

I hope they let you out of that holding cell or you're gonna find out the real meaning if they put you in jail, lol.


My bad. You're right, if he's a philosopher then he knows what he's talking about.

You don't seem gay to me. You seem like the opposite of gay.

Like gay's angry brother.

My neighbour Mr. Fisher, now he was gay. He used to walk around the village, whistling happy little tunes. Sometimes he would dance down the street and always had a smile for the folks passing by. Just happy and gay all the time.

I think he might have also sucked cock.

good sir. resteemed

Remember, "It's not gay if you're crying."

have an upvote.. just because i'm scared... hahaha

Homosexual? You? Prove it.

Haven't you seen World War Z? Zombies don't it homosexuals or generally anyone with a terminal illness(I'm kidding. I believe everyone has equal rights to be eating by zombies). Pakis though 😂

Okay, if this was Trailer Park Boys which one would you be?


Haha, this made my day.

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