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RE: The Craving - A Parenthood Story (Comedy Open Mic Round # 31)

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

OOps!! So funny!! Now I wonder if I really wanna be a Mum someday, I mean, I love kids, they are adorable, I love holding them and playing with them but then, the ones I have held aren't mine and they never stay for far too long with me (less than an hour).

So much sacrifice (lol). But I guess it is more of a Satisfying sacrifice? Well, I am sure the joy that comes with parenting surpasses the inconvenience, yeah?

What a journey you embarked on to get those rolls! Congrats on resisting those "temptations", you really do have self-control. Hahahah! Next time, you may wanna make your toddler sleep before you delve into the "cinnamon rolls" world, (that's if you can wait) lol. We could avoid some things from happening that way. Don't you think?

You know, there are some cravings that get worse as you feed them, hope this isn't one of them? And oh! The cinnamon rolls looks really delicious!


Haha, well I have a second one in the freezer just in case, so I’ll be able to get my fix much easier next time, but after that.... yeah let’s hope this doesn’t end with me passed out in an alley somewhere with cinnamon and sugar all over my face.

Kids really are great, I love mine to pieces, it’s just fun to make a big deal about some of the sacrifices you have to make sometimes. They are definitely not for everyone, but I wouldn’t sweat it if your not comfortable with holding other people’s kids; I know I never was either!

But yes, they are definitely worth it, even if they ruin my Cinnabon experience 😉

Thanks for the lovely comment and for stopping by!

Hahahah! Hopefully someone finds you there (maybe your wife) and takes a photo of you with the cinnamon and sugar all over your face. It will do for a good laugh! Hahahah!!

Yeah, they are! I would really love to have those little ones around me someday. Those little sacrifces will sure be woth it. I mean, that's what we do for love, right?

Lol. Someday, you will get to revisit that experience again, maybe with no distubance.. Hahahah

My pleasure!

Indeed it is! My metric of a good life: have someone show you that love and then be able to give it to someone else one day.

That's a really good metric! The good life is really all about showing and receiving love. Without love, life loses its pleasant taste. Love, they say. makes the world go round.

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