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RE: REAL TALK - Vol 1. - When Did The American Man Get So Wimpy?

in #comedy8 years ago

Just looking at the differences in careers, generations ago simply showed up at the factory, plant, mill, etc and jobs were mostly easy to be had. Now a days, you amass tens of thousands of dollars in debt and still no job.

Life back then was very singular. Wake up, go to work, come home, eat, go to bed. Now days we have handle a barrage of information, media, social bias and things they never even dreamed of back then.

Back then it was only America and the most immediate issues they had to deal with. Now a days we have the problems of the entire world crammed down our throats and there’s no end in sight.

Drugs, environmental disaster, crime, corruption, terrorism, outsourcing, income inequality…I could go on and on.

I think the people of today are way tougher than generations past. In fact, if they had to experience the shit we deal with now a days, they would go fucking nuts.


True, I can definitely see that. Then again that's also probably why we are more flakey now and don't accomplish one clear task. Too much information. Too many choices. ADD nation. Take one shot, move on.

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