Showcase Sunday - The Art of Comedy

in #comedy5 years ago (edited)

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I don't think I have ever read anal genesis in anything before :0)

Ha ha, I know it's a classic!

Wait a minute... let me just see if I can get back into the mind of J.T.Braithwieght the 4th... right he's coming through now...

The cult of the anal genesis really did represent the peak of Klein-esque schism from the rigid doctrine of classical art, as his art took on a life of its own through the Kleinites, who would travel the globe depositing Klein Blue at famous monuments. Most famously, they painted the big toe of the statue of liberty Klein Blue in 1965 in homage to their maestro's love of foot fetishism.

Klein remained ambivilent to the Kleinites to his dying day, saying that they were a load of crack pots, but in 1972 his biographer admitted that Klein had once vouchsafed that he saw them as one of his greatest achievement; a kind of extension of his rebellion from the status quo of paint to canvas, an explosive expulsion of paint laden feces in the sterile world of art... a clear message to the bourgeois, that their time was over!

Mwaaaaeee, he really was a genius ahead of his time.

Yes.... I'm talking about content that isn't about witness nodes, blockchain development, how the tribe count has now reached triple figures, or how the future of steem will change the face of finance.

This got me reeling with laughter because a whole lot of people here says those kinda contents are more Superior and well better and these guys are big guys on steem. Truth is you're one of the people that makes this place less boring 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Sweet content for sure, how you manage to pull this off always, I don't know

because a whole lot of people here says those kinda contents are more Superior and well better and these guys are big guys on steem.

Lol, well the blind so often lead the blind... into an echo chamber of conversation that no one other than steem cryptonauts understand. It literally brings no value to this network to alienate mainstream people by spouting the same stuff that they don't understand, or boosting that stuff into prominence time and time again.

But luckily we still do have a decent amount of people writing stories, travel blogs, genre specific articles etc to entice newbies with... the insane thing is that the same circle of techy project heads and whales on here continue to ignore all the good mainstream content and make sure that the steem-centric content is riding the gravy train. I often worry that by the time they realize how they're marginalizing this platform, it will be too late.

Thanks for reading my comic madness Jose. Much appreciated m8 :)

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