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RE: Reynard News US Presidential Election 2016 - Act 10

in #comedy8 years ago (edited)

again, it is not my system, or it would not be going the way it is. if you think, i can shout down 300,000,000 of these people over here, then it is you who needs to get their mental health checked. it is clear that you have been believing what the mainstream media has been feeding you. this "certifiable nut job" has been running multi billion dollar businesses for 30 years. that is as far from pathological as you can get. here is a fun fact, hillary was onto the birther thing before trump. i don't need confirmation, because i was there and paying close attention, then, but here you go.

i have been here, paying close attention since the late 1980's, when did you join the party? there is a lot of crap flying around, but if i was there, and i have a pretty amazing memory, why would i believe someone else? here is a pretty fair analysis, the birther subject is addressed at, 56:03 i'd recommend watching it all. oh, and i also have been studying solar physics for the last 6 years, and human caused climate change doesn't exist. yes, we are poisoning our air, water, and land. no, it is not affecting the climate.


OK let me say this again. If a person for 5 years assert that President Obama was born in Kenya and claims to have evidence of this, is clearly not a sensible person.

Also if you want to disregard the above paragraph by quoting a Breitbart article then you really do need to look at other material as Breitbart has no credibility as a serious source of information.

Before you post another comment please think about the first paragraph and come up with a sensible, logical conclusion to why he believed and promoted a clear nonsensical argument?

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