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RE: Reynard News US Presidential Election 2016 - Act 10

in #comedy8 years ago

again, i ask, how is this different than anyone else in office or running for office? trump, for all his faults, cannot be blamed for what we have now, because he has never held office. hillary, on the other hand, has. her criminality is plain, for anyone not in denial, to see. i don't trust any of these people. they are all monstrous, malignant, and nefarious. if we were smart we would use the political process to lure these people out of society and then put them in cages and weld the doors shut.


Hey bud it is your system and if you cannot see the difference between Trump and Clinton then I cannot help you. When a person state very publicly that he has evidence that your President is born in another country and still pounds the lie 5 years later then he is either nuts or seriously dodgy with bad strategic judgement.

Hillary Clinton is at least rational and not liable to say crazy stuff like the leader of the free world is born in another country. If you can stick to that narrative in the face of all the evidence then you are clearly insane.

The question then arise do you want a obvious politician such as Clinton or do you want a certifiable nut job such as Trump?

The answer is pretty clear to me but as I said it is your country and you have to decide for yourself.

By the way we made money on Trump being the GOP nominee (tipped him at 7/1 in September 2015). The reason why is that there was over whelming evidence that there was a collective mental breakdown.

  • Denial of climate change
  • The growth of Intelligent Design theory
  • Birtherism
  • Lehmans Day where losses were socialised and profits were privatised.
  • A black President and the Concept of USA's Original Sin
    *Anti-science and anti logic rhetoric
  • Rise of social media

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