Oh no... bad things... save me from the evil... I need either 1 more follower or 1 lesss follower... [Joke Post]

in #comedy8 years ago

The sky is falling, I am tainted... 666 Followers what am I going to do? I either need more followers or I need less followers.

If I get less followers I could end up tainted again... oh no! If I get less followers I need to somehow come up with a post that will give me enough followers to leap frog the tainted number...

Woe is me...


Of course this is a joke. I am usually super serious. I decided to jump into comedy a bit.

I avoid it, because I am not particularly skilled at it. Most of the time I am successful at comedy it is purely by accident.


Umm, I would like to help, but I enjoy your work to much to unfollow you...

What, ever, shall I do? Maybe I can recruit another follower for you? ;)

Follow @dwinblood , peeps... Good stuff! :)



I'm worth at least two minnows...so you're safe mate.

LOL - Thanks, panic averted.

just roll with it...
join the dark side...
one of us...one of us...


I just unfollowed to get it away from 666 but when it goes back up i'll refollow :p

HAHAH... Okay... @tarazkp asked about that... I hadn't seen your reply yet.

@dwinblood I have to leave so I followed you back. Good luck!

Thanks... I haven't broken any mirrors or seen any black cats, so I should be good.

Have a good day. :)

Was that you refollowing me?

Did someone actually unfollow?

Apparently... LOL. I thought that might be possible. No big deal.

Edit: See @darkflame's response.

I remember people would ask for keys for menus etc while online gaming and the advice was press f4. There were always a couple that dropped.

Alt+F4 is a good one. CTRL+ALT+DEL too for people that are truly newbs.

666 is one of the keys to understanding truth of life. To associate such with an evil devil may be silly.
Was also going to ask if you might want to work something out for your MTGO cards.

Yeah I haven't gotten around to logging in and checking those accounts. I'll see what I can do about that. They are just sitting there and odds are high that I'll never use them.

Send me a steemit.chat with the email you'd like me to correspond with and I'll see about at least getting a list of the cards I have if I can dump them as a CSV or something and we can go from there. I am pretty sure I have them spread across three different accounts.

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