CNN claims Assange cost Hillary the 2016 Election - from Asylum in Ecuadorian Embassy!

in #comedy5 years ago

CNN found the recipe for influencing the outcome of the US presidential election!


  • 1 hacker
  • 1 smart phone
  • 1 laptop
  • 3 separate professional surveillance companies to watch every movement of the hacker


Combine all ingredients inside a locked apartment. Deny most visitors. Threaten to arrest the hacker if he leaves the apartment building, for extradition to the USA (where they want to kill him for exposing their corruption). Deny most access to the outside world. Add a sprinkle of lies in the media, and let stew for several years.

In addition to becoming physically and emotionally unwell as a result of being effectively in prison isolation, the hacker will use his charisma and skill, while evading all the surveillance, and without leaving any evidence, to change the outcome of the US election!

In Assange's case, they claim he manipulated and hacked his way to some assistance from Russian cohorts, who fed him what he needed to make Hillary look bad. A report by one of the surveillance agencies says there is "no doubt that there is evidence" of this. Is there evidence? Or is there no doubt there's evidence?

My guess is, there's no such evidence. I think he simply revealed her war crimes and corruption, and if it cost her the election, then rightfully so. They want to kill him, like they've done to so many others who got in their way. Having him dragged from the Embassy and brought to the US "justice system" is half of it. The suffering he's going through right now must be immense.


According to CNN, one man and a spotty internet connection is enough to influence the outcome of the US presidential elections. Was it the fact Assange was effectively imprisoned and under massive constant surveillance and pressure, that made it all happen? Or could he have done it, perhaps even more easily and effectively, under better conditions? Perhaps a better computer and internet connection? Perhaps a whole team to help? Billions of dollars at his disposal? But no, they're claiming it was done by a guy on a smart phone in a prison cell.

Richly, CNN calls RT "The Russian government's television network to spread propaganda around the world". Shame on CNN for their propaganda piece on Assange. If he dies as a result of this, I consider them partly responsible.


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Free Julian Assange.
Don't shoot the messenger!

And look how strong he is - it's taking 7 or 8 guards to haul him into the paddywagon! ; p

Excelente su post hermanito @drutter

Hola hermanita,
¡Te he echado de menos! Durante semanas no he visto sus mensajes, y me pregunté si estaban bien. Pensé que tal vez estabas sin electricidad o sin internet otra vez. Me alegro de que estés bien. Espero saber más de ti pronto cuando tengas tiempo. Todo lo mejor de Canadá.

they're not far off tbh.

the part they're missing, or intentionally getting wrong, is the russian agents supplying wikileaks with the clinton team emails.

it was not. it was democrat staffer SETH RICH, and he was murdered for it.

the whole of russiagate, all of that money, time and noise, was to cover up for this fact.

Yes. And anyone speaking that truth on FB or YT gets shadowbanned/deleted. I'm thankful we're able to do so here on Steem!

you see it quite a lot on zero hedge as well. peace.

Wow, really? I have learned a lot of deep truths from the comment section at ZH. I'm surprised to hear there's even more to it that is being censored.

sorry, you got the wrong end of that one - you see SETH RICH being mentioned on ZH - it's still free of censorship, for now, like steemit..

Okay, yeah, at least we have a few spots where we can be truthful and real. But I had a lot higher hopes for the state of things by this point. The internet seemed so free and promising 15 years ago.

i agree - it was still promising 5 years ago, but now it's quite clear why the us military invented arpanet.

still, got to utilise it until you have to have a mark to do so..

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