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RE: Extremely sexist classic advertisements

in #comedy5 years ago

It is amazing how the thought process has changed and to be fair it wasn't that long ago either. Women were viewed as just extras in those days doing the bit around the house making sure the man was looked after. When i first got married my wife wanted to be a housewife looking after the kids and I was happy with that. I think my children benefited having a full time mom around during the early years. Obviously we sacrificed an income in order to do this.


I saw an article the other day that households where both parents work actually end up (on average) making less money than if one of them simply stayed home and looked after the house/ family. This is difficult to fathom really seeing as how everyone definitely lives beyond their means in today's consumer culture.

When i was young my father was a mid-level manager at a telecom company and while we didn't have the best stuff and even had hand-me-down and yard sale clothes, it was necessary because we were on a budget. It all worked out in the end though. I think families just need to be smarter with their finances... IE you cant just have everything and go out to eat all the time.

It ended up teaching me good life skills though because I had a paper route and worked on the weekends at a football stadium selling popcorn in the stands to buy my video games. It let me know that nothing is free... you gotta work for it.

Sadly, i think most of those youth employment opportunities would no longer be legal thanks to the deterioration of society in general.

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