Ultimate Zoo Battle, Round 30 Result: Shark is Victorious!

in #comedy6 years ago

The arena being flooded three feet deep gave the shark just enough room to move. The human punched or kicked it in the nose every time it approached, but while this deterred the shark at first, eventually it just enraged it. As flooded arenas have no trees, there was nothing for the human to make a spear out of. Eventually fatigue from sloshing through the water overtook the human, and he made easy prey for the shark.

Stay Tuned for Round 31!


Oh shit, who flooded the Arena and didn't keep a tree there :/ Hope Elephant will f##k Shark!


Not a fair fight i must say. The arena favoured one over the other. If it continues this way then i must say the shark would win over the elephant as well since the arean will be flooded agaij and the elephant doesnt do well in water. Anyways its been a good game altogehter.

If there was no water at all, it would be unfair to the shark.

The shark is vicious, relentless and strong really, I have no wonder it became so victorious, give it up for the champion

Oh cmon man, how can the battle grounds be a flooded arena, it is like man was doomed to fail already the same way shark woupd hv died if it had been on land, the arena shouod have been built to favour both in the sense of having accoutrements to support both opponents

I thought that the human was going to end up with only one hand or leg amputated, but the thing was worse since not even one is going to see a body to whom to do his due funeral.
Peace to his remains inside the shark.

No-o-o-o!!! We can't lose. I feel hurt. But the sharks can be vicious and have big, really sharp teeth. And swim faster than a human.

The two best species from Land and Water are going to be in the arena. Now thats called finals :)

I knew he should have hidden that spear, see what happens when you have nothing to pull of your ass, you get ate.

I was with the hippo.. i knew humans may not survive this. But, hippo is gone too. Time for my next best shot "Elephant" go go :)

Stupid human. He should have gone with an AK. He should have sprayed the living sh*t out of the shark, instead the human went to kick and punch. He probably thought it was a boxing match. I already predicted the shark was going to win so....

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