Ultimate Zoo Battle, Round 12: Eagle Versus Komodo Dragon! VOTE NOW!

in #comedy6 years ago





Stay Cozy!


I assure you this round winner will be the EAGLE! No way to beat him on ground or at air!


The eagle is so imposing and confident. He just got his best haircut and he is ready to kick some ass!

Komodo Dragon!...:)...

You might as well do a nuclear weapon versus a well aimed fart. I'll guess Komodo dragon. And I'm basing it on the fact that the arena won't allow the eagle to just fly off .

It's an enclosed room. There's space to fly, but not any way to leave the arena.

Are they allowed a weapon of their choice each?

It's got to be KD! Eagle is going to tire out at one point when KD will crush him.

Can the bald eagle peck it's way in?

Make a fight series instead of KOMODO DRAGON vs chinese women even there KOMODO DRAGON will win without any doubt let alone eagle.

Ahhahahaha, Oh my god it's hilarious! :D

This one is tricky. Despite the eagles sharp claws and strength it won't stand a chance against the komodo dragon. The eagle will be able to do some damage for sure but all it takes is a good placed bite by the komodo dragon and the fight is over.

Komodo dragon for sure.
Komodo average weight 70kg
Bald eagle average weight: 5kg

Komodo favourite past time: battling each other
Eagle favourite past time: Catching fish.

The komodo is an armoured warrior accustomed to battle.

The eagle is a glorified seagull trapped in enclosed battle arena.

Komodo dragon has a very sharp teeth, his bite is not as strong, but he has a technique and instinct of a killer, it’s known for killing buffalo. It would be very hard for eagle 🦅 to kill Komodo. My bet is on Komodo.

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