The Garuda: COME AND DRAW CONTEST Week #6 : Superheroes

in #comeandrawcontest7 years ago

This is an entry for "COME AND DRAW CONTEST Week #6. Superheroes" hosted by @hadley4.
Here's the link to contest's original post:

And here's my entry:

"The Garuda"

Inspired by a logo of an Indonesian community account @the-garuda. "Garuda" is a name of a mythological creature in shape of a giant bird, and it's the official symbol of the country. I have just drawn the looks and didn't think too much about his superpower. So in my drawing, The Garuda is an embodiment of a hope, that parodically drawn in shape of a semi-god in duty of curating Indonesian posts.

In Indonesian Language:

Terinspirasi dari logo sebuah akun komunitas, @the-garuda, saya membuat karakter superhero untuk entry kontes "COME AND DRAW CONTEST Week #6. Superheroes" diadakan oleh @hadley4. Tidak terlalu memikirkan apa kekuatan superpowernya ketika menggambar, tapi seperti bisa dilihat di hasilnya, mungkin dia semacam manusia setengah dewa yang bertugas mengkurasi posting-posting dari akun-akun Indonesia.

Udah, gitu ajah! Haha...

Drawn on Photoshop, here's the WIPs:


Gambar yang bagus dik @teafp
Semoga dapat kurasi dari @the-garuda ya

Oh ya, jangan banyak meresteem postingan orang lain yang tidak penting, agar postingan kamu tidak tertutup dan bisa dilihat orang lain. Terus juga perhatikan bandwith cz banyak meresteem postingan orang lain bisa mengakibatkan kehabisan bandwith.

Mantap @teafp! Semoga menang!

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