People Should Fall In Love With Their Eyes Closed? Really Warhol?

in #colourfulphotography7 years ago (edited)

I don’t think so Andy! Whatever he meant!? I don’t really understand. Maybe you do.

Anyhow, I did fall in love with this artwork I saw at LX Factory in Lisboa, Portugal with my eyes wide open.

Sometimes we see somebody or something and know immidiatly, it was meant for us and should go for!

I did find myself with closed eyes for a few seconds, to felt right.

SBD or STEEM anyone???

I wonder why the hell didn’t I get it? ‍Agrrrrrrr........

I hate spending my fiat currency these days, I guess.


I walked by the artists table a few times but hesitated because at some point in my life, I decided that I should stop collecting more and more “stuff”.

This painting was not just another piece.

It was a mermaid 🧜‍♀️ on double fire, filled with passion, light, trust and freedom. Love could and should look like that.

She was sweet and powerful at the same time and a symbol for dreams to become true.

Red, blue, yellow, green, purple wonderfully colorful, just like we are!

Full of life!


LX Faxtory! I be back to find this smiling artist! Who was stoned ? Him or me?
I really love it when people smile at me! Since I am in Vienna it seems people are way to grumpy. Balinese really smile much more.


LX Factory is a historical, industrial complex, housing an array of artsy retailers and very unique restaurants. - Source Wiki


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right.realy good topic @mammasitta (68)

wow thats freaking cool! you should've bought it! haha the artist looks stoned lol. cool stuff

I guess I was stoned too Hahhaa 😂🙃🤩

Men do fall in love through their eyes. Andy had succumbed to the repressed masculine.

Andy was just a con and a fool 🤪😂 but yeah you got that right it seems. Makes sense now.

Maybe more accurate to say "Andy was a con and the world was a fool." I agree completely. He actually turned me away from my formal training in art b/c I couldn't grasp why he was so popular. I was surrounded by a cult of post-modern hiveminders. I was too young to even categorize it, I just noticed there was no room for "me." Which is the whole idea of abandonment. Andy decided he could be an artist by not creating from his own ccenter. He was a cloner. A profound take on self-abandonment and how hungry everyone was to eat it up.

Exactly what I meant. People were the idiots to believe that BS and in our days we got the Kardashians. Most girls think they have to look like them. It’s a mass brainwashing method to influence what will be considered as HIP and cool, to survive and sell. He was smart for that! Good sales and PR man.
Nothing really changed. Same Fools , different times and scenes.

Did you see the painting that sold for $11 million the other day? Red circles on a cream canvsas. The description made me gag.

No I did not! Now I am gaging 🤣🤪🙈

Tolles Bild! In dieser LX Factory würd ich mich gerne einmal über Nacht einsperren lassen ;)

Na dann auf nach Lissabon !!!!

I like his use of colors! The one of the colorful mask next to it is also very good. The location reminds me of the old Ankerbrot Fabrik, do you know that?

Ja und ob kenne ich die Fabrik :)
Lx Factory ist der Hammmmerrrr and yes all of those paintings are wicked

Do you know anything about Porto too? I'm gonna go there soon for work and thought you might have some tips!

Beautiful. I love the tone with which you narrate your trip. I am fascinated, exceedingly, by the artistic work of the smiling boy. I hug you.

I hug you back for understanding my thoughts 🧜‍♀️🧜‍♀️🧜‍♀️

Ich kenne diese Gefühl leider nur zu gut. Man kann keine Entscheidung fällen und denkt dann noch lange darüber nach... Ich wünsche dir viel Glück! Vielleicht kannst du es beim Künstler reservieren lassen...

Ach, das ist aber nett Dich hier zu sehen Liebe @melange.
Also, Ich war zutiefst berührt mit einer Kombination von Eindrücken. Zuerst habe ich ja den Artisten gesehen, der mich mit einem herzlichen Lächeln beglückt hat. Ich habe bemerkt, dass Leute viel zu wenig lachen, seitdem ich wieder in Wien bin. Dann erst sah ich seine farbenfrohen und powerful Bilder.
Ich glaube, dass ich bald wieder nach Lissabon fahren werde, auf eine zweite Möglichkeit seine Mermaid wieder zu finden :)

Wow, your journey opens for us in ever new colors and this mermaid, something that is unmatched! Thanks @mammasitta for the great story!

Just some good night thoughts and beauty for my mind to remember

You are absolutely right, we need to remember this and wish for new meetings!

We need more then a voice, we need more then a feeling, the eye also want some “food”.
I know we can not judge a book by its cover..... but anyhow; the cover should attract us to start with the first chapter 😉

I am fascinated, exceedingly, by the artistic work of the smiling boy. I hug you.really like this post.thank you so much.

Its just so refreshing when people smile at you. I lived in SE-Asia for a long time and was taught to smile more and not take life so serious. Europeans are occasionally way to grumpy. This art and artist touched me deeply.

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