Why Orange Should Be Your Favourite Colour

in #colour7 years ago (edited)


Many people ask me everyday why I love glorifying (showing off) this colour at any chance I get - I myself can't really wrap my head round 'why' I do that. One thing I know for sure is, when I don't know how to explain my love or obsession with something, then the love is genuine (LOL)

Peep how I unintentionally, literally worship this colour on my social media account profiles

.My page cover has this colour, my twitter header is Orange,

my Instagram avi is also Orange.

Why I love this colour so much? I guess I'll never know, but I've been able to gather some pretty cool and important facts about this magnificent colour that might 'intruige' you.
‎Why is an orange called an orange for one! One thing is for sure though, it does have a remarkable tale to tell throughout the ages.
‎😏 As they say in the TV commercials, "Join me as we unravel the truths and hidden facts"😊

-‎Orange is a colour and part of the visual spectrum, situated between yellow and red, with a wavelength of 590 to 620 nanometres, a hex code of #FF7F00, and an RGB code of (255, 127, 0).
In pigments, orange can be made by mixing red and yellow from the RYB colour wheel, while in light, it can be made with higher quantities of red light with the addition of lower quantities of green light. The term ‘orange’, first used in the early 1500s, was taken directly from the Old French word ‘orenge’ in reference to the fruit of the same colour and name, while previously the colour was known as ‘ġeolurēad‘ which literally meant ‘yellow-red’.

‎ °‎• Back in the days-back in the early Christian Church, Orange was a symbol of glory and fruits of the earth and was also known as the wisdom ray.
‎Now, this fact does not only speak of the colour, but also the fruit. Let's not digress but keep in mind that I love the fruit 🍊 Orange as well.

°‎• The blood used on the set of Sweeney Todd, had to be orange to render properly on the de-saturated color film.
‎ Many might not know this but The Demon Barber of Fleet Street was a thing back in the day and Yes! I was on that.😎

°• In Feng Shui (Eng Trans: "Wind-Water), the colour Orange represents fire🔥. Now who doesn't like fire? Lemme see your hands if you never played with fire when you were little 😒 .

°• Nobility were the only ones during the Elizabethan Era who could wear Orange. Ain't that something?😳

°• Orange is often biblically associated with saints and represents strength and courage. Oh well, y'know no one argues with the Bible, right?

°• The first operator in Europe to commit to pushing NFC across its territories was the mobile network giant Orange. Orange’s well-known slogan was “the futures bright, the futures orange”. Something legendary.

°• ‎Speaking of Legends, Frank Sinatra had a love for the color orange, once saying “Orange is the happiest of colors.”

°• ‎Vincent van Gogh once said that “There is no blue without yellow and without orange.”

°• ‎Antonio Stradivari’s prized violins reach over $2 million at auction. Some say that the reason behind their amazing sound is the orange varnish that covers them.

°• ‎Astronaut’s space suits worn inside the spacecraft are orange but they must be changed before going outside to the iconic thick white alternatives. Aren't they cool?

°• The canary’s Orange colour isn’t a natural thing, initially the birds were a green-brown but crossbreeding made them yellow, combine this with a diet of red peppers and they become orange. 😦

°• ‎Originally carrots weren’t orange; the most common color was purple. The orange variety came about by the 17th Century when Dutch growers seemingly crossbred white rooted, mutated yellow and wild carrots. Weird right?

°• ‎Vietnamese Oranges and Thai tangerines are Orange on the inside and yet bright green on the outside.

°• Every 25th day of the month is known as “Orange Day” by the UN’s campaign called UNiTE to End Violence against Women. The day is to raise awareness and act to stop violence against women.

°• Consumer research has proven that an orange lawnmower is easier to find in long grass than a blue one, this was why in 1977 Flymo changed from blue to orange.

°• Orange is the Dutch Royal Family’s color.

°• ‎Descendants of William of Orange, the color became the symbol of the Netherlands.

°• Theravada Buddhists wear orange robes as this was one of the more common dyes available. These Buddhists aren’t to be confused with their Tibetan counterparts who wear maroon.

°• ‎Orange ribbons are worn to support and raise awareness for many conditions and causes including self-harm, ADHD, Multiple Sclerosis and Animal Cruelty. 😨

°• Dreams about the color Orange may represent physical health and sexual vitality. It may symbolize hope, kindness, generosity and an out-going nature. The color orange is stimulating and revitalizing, seeing it in a dream may be compensating for a lack of energy or desire in waking life.
‎Now, ain't that something huh?




All Pictures are mine.

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