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True, I was missing all, you' Maam, all. Some unplanned Programs with travelling, In between for coffee and lunch break done some steemit replies and one post.

Hopefully tomorrow will get more free time, See u tomorroow.

Thanks a lot for asking,

Regards to both


Well.. Enjoy your trip and please take care and don't worry about steemit too much.. You can go offline for some time and back anytime... What's you first priority, you'll find it very useful later... ☕🥛🚀

Thanks a lot for the advice. Steemitis very much part of life, So whenever there will be 10 minuites break or free time, it always tends to open it even in mobile. May be presence of you both added its attraction to be honest.

Is your busy days over, How is your pumpkin farming and other stuffs going on!

Busy day will never over because this is a transitional time to take over of my father small grocery during his hajj and we've planned to let him retired after his back from hajj. There is so many things to be done, but I will try to manage my existence on steemit too.

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