colorchallenge : yam ice cream with recipe

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)



Today I will share with you 2 Methods on how to make Yam Ice Cream 

a) Full version

 b) Easy version  

 a) Full version 


 1. 1 fresh Yam purple sweet potato 

2. 3 egg yolks  

3. 1 cup fine sugar

4. 2 cups full cream milk

5.1/2 cup heavy cream


1. Peal the yam and cut into small blocks. Boil until soft. Blend together with a liquidizer. 

2. Add milk and heavy cream together and bring to boil.

 3. Allow to cool down .While in another bowl add the yolks and sugar together and whisk until the mixtures colour gets lighter.  

 4. Temper the yolk, by slowly adding a cup of the warm milk into the yolk mixture (avoid the mixture from curdling by continually whisking)  

5.   Now slowly and the tempered yolk mix to the rest of the milk 

 6. Add the yam puree to the mix

  7. Pour into an ice cream machine   




1. 1 fresh YAM purple sweet potato  

2. 2l vanilla ice cream  


 1. Peal the yam and cut into small blocks. Boil until soft. Blend together with a liquidizer.

 2. Allow the vanilla ice cream to soften

 3. Allow the yam puree to cool in the freezer 

 4. Mix the yam puree to the ice cream  

5. Add to an ice cream machine  




1 原料。 1 新鲜的阴紫色红薯

2。 3 蛋黄

3。 1 杯细糖

4。 2 杯全脂奶



1。 果皮的任和切成小块。 煮软为止。 混合在一起的。 liquidizer

2。 添加牛奶和沉重的奶油在一起并将其煮沸。

3。 使冷却.而在另一碗中添加了蛋黄和糖一起搅拌直到混合物颜色变浅。

4。 锻炼一下蛋黄, 慢慢加一杯温暖的牛奶蛋黄混合物(避免混合凝结的不断搅打)

5。 现在慢慢和回火蛋黄混合剩余的牛奶

6。 添加任果泥的混合

7。 倒入冰淇淋机


)EAZY 版本

1 的成分。 1 新鲜的阴紫色红薯

2。 2 l 香草冰淇淋的


1。 果皮的任和切成小块。 煮软为止。 混合在一起的。 liquidizer

2。 让香草冰淇淋软化

3。 使阴酱汁冷却在冰箱中

4。 混合搅拌成泥状志刚到冰霜

5。 添加到冰激凌机器



Gorgeous shots

Elrond Huston Aka ehuston

Thanks for your time

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