ColorChallenge: FridaySkyBlue - December 2015

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)


南房総でみかん狩りをした後、海に寄りました。当時3歳だった息子は、寄せては返す波を見て喜んでいました。とても風が強い日で寒かったので、すぐ車に戻りましたが… 素敵な写真が撮れました。

In December 2015, I went to Chiba with my family. Who in the picture are my husband and son.After mandarin picking in Minami Boso, we stopped at the beach.My son, who was 3 years old at the time, was pleased to see the restless waves. It was very windy day and it was cold, so we returned to the car at once, but I was able to take a nice picture.

■次の記事(Next Post):風鈴を飾りました/I hung the Wind bell on the balcony

■前の記事(Previous Post):二十日大根の芽がでました/The radishes germinated.


Yes, it was a very cold day. Thank you for the link, I also saw your picture!

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