ColorChallenge - TuesdayOrange "Wall Art"

in #colorchallenge6 years ago

colorchallenge tuesdayorange art painting .jpg

I love this design my nephew painted on one of his walls to accentuate his living room. It really made the room feeling warm and cozy with a bit of modern flare. So clever!

Thank you to @kalemandra for creating this wonderful #colorchallenge where we get to be creative everyday of the week. Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you enjoyed it.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Etsy Store - Sunscapes Soaps & Soaks
Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations


so whats your job, what will you do after that

Maybe I will be inspired to paint something.

I think you don't read my comments
Thats not fair
But I must say your blogs are just great

Thank you very much and yes I always read the comments left on my pages. Happy New Year

Good to know but you don't appreciate them I think
But your artwork is great really
I'm sorry if I have said anything wrong

No worries, I was not offended in any way. It takes me time to get around to everyone's different pages that comment on mine. Best regards to you.

Very nnice work , I wanna participate @sunscape , I'm a painter too!

Have fun! Love to paint as well.

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