Color Challenge Tuesday Orange Agates

in #colorchallenge7 years ago



Orange Agate Rocks


What is different in these two pictures?

Right click on photo open image
in another tab to see bigger pictures.

Photos taken with my g7 sam phone

All photos & words by @shasta
October 3rd 2017 7:27pm
Have A Great Day :-)



The green rock turned into a pink rock.

You are correct @bashadow :-)
I forgot to include these are Alaskan Agates~ lol

rawks rule :-) @weetreebonsai
it's amazing to see them pop with color when the sun
angle is just right, mostly a lot of yellows and oranges,
reds are more rare along with the layered and slight
greenish ones, even found some with orbicular rings.
They are so slippery they jump out of our fingers! lol

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