
That must be a nice change. How hot has it been in the last week? We hit ninety last Sunday, which felt pretty brutal, especially since there were eighty pound hay bales to be moved.

Posted using Partiko Android

I get scared reading 80 pound hay bales! When i was 16 years old i had a job at my local deli stocking the ice machine. It was a walk in freezer and i had to lift 50 pound bags of ice and split these huge blocks into smaller blocks with an ice pick and a hammer. I nearly ruined my back at 16 years old... I liked the cold though. I was probably 100 pounds then. I can't remember. I've never been a big person. The scariest thing about all this is the shaming and pressure that other people, mostly men put on people to kill themselves with hard labor.

Oh crap. I'm sorry i went way off here.

It's been nice and breezy by the water. Around 75 to 80. It's generally 5 to 10 degrees hotter at my house. It's been cooling down at night into the upper 60's which isn't bad at all for here.

I am scared of 80 pound bales too! Luckily there weren't too many of them. The ice job sounds pretty brutal too, but like you said, at least it was cool! I'm not a big person either, so the heavy lifting is a challenge. I agree with you about the shaming. Women have their own version, but men are expected to be "manly" (whatever that means) and prove themselves to be strong and tough even if they aren't built for it. It's amazing that our culture is still trying to cram people into the same boxes they've been stuffed into for hundreds of years. Let's evolve, already! I get a lot of sideways looks from men who assume that I will break because of what I do, and they love to give me unsolicited advice on ways to make it easier. There's never the assumption that I know what I'm doing, and that even if it's hard, I can do it.

Sorry. I went off too! Restrictive gender expectations are a bit of a sore spot...

I'm glad your weather is reasonable. 80 degrees is something even I can live with!

Mansplaining... I've been guilty more than i like to admit. Maybe we learn it growing up... i really want to knock that shit off for good. Whew. Unlearning all the crap. My new full time job. I wish it paid better! Haha

No wonder i loved skateboarding and surfing and painting and playing guitar and taking photos. They are mostly solo activities. Even if you are with people. There's no need to talk about it while doing it. Hmmm, There's a clue to why i dislike writing so much. Oh boy...

For the record, you've never mansplained to me. :) I don't think men do it to be obnoxious, even if it sometimes comes across that way.

I like the solo activities too. Not surfing, of course. If I had tried that I would have drowned years ago!

Posted using Partiko Android

Whew! I'm glad for that : ) I can be quite the smarty pants know it all. Especially when i really think i know something Haha. I never seem to remember that if nobody asks then they don't care to know.

You only explain things to me when I ask. You're very good. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh god, it's probably only because typing/writing is so hard for me... ; (

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