Big Red ~ Monday Color Challenge

in #colorchallenge6 years ago (edited)


#colorchallenge By@kalemandra

Big Red freighter and some fun waves at The San Gabriel Rivermouth. I was thinking about 900mm would get me the wave and the ship filling the frame from where i'm standing here. There's a Sigma or a Tamron zoom that on my crop sensor camera would be really fun to play with with some long range shenanigans.





Is this a photo montage?
Or the photos did not work?
Such a big tanker !!
But what if..??
Это фотомонтаж?
Или фотографии не получились?
Такой большой танкер!!
А тень - это другое судно? Или буксир???

it's a photo. Not a montage or collage. Long Beach Harbor is on the other side of the rocks and huge ships come in and out everyday.

I posted some sailboats and other big freighters here if you want to see

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