📷 ColorChallenge - Thursday Green - Our Little Road

in #colorchallenge7 years ago

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House Window Shopping

This is my entry for #ColorChallenge initiated by @kalemandra, and inspired by @princessmewmew

I know it does sound a little creepy, but we are not looking at the people, just the house.

So we are at that stage where @princessmewmew and I been house dreaming for a year or three now. About a year ago, a few months before we got on Steemit, we moved into our perfect street, one of our most favorite little streets in the city. We have for years always wanted to move here, we are basically in the city, but it feels like we are no where near it, yeah it's super quiet.


So found a rad apartment here, and every so often we go on the Sunday afternoon stroll picking the perfect little house we would love to get one day.

This one below is pretty much exactly what we're looking for, would definatly prefer a tad bigger garden in the front and a much bigger wall. Yeah I totally fine with walls, no idea why half America seems to have issue with them, those folks should come live here, 3 to 6 hours for the cops to show up when you call them. That's a story for another day, or post.


The little bay window thing, I'm not a interior designer or a architect, so I won't even pretend to know what it's called.

It really reminds me of those brownstone houses in New York, or those amazing place in London, like the house in the movie Hook. I wonder is that what they call the nesting phase, hahah, I see it more as a castle, to spend time with family and friend, and you own space.


Hopefully Steem and Steem dollars go through the roof and everyone on here gets to make a living off what they love doing, which is being creative and making that which the soul craves to make. Thank you for the opportunity of being able to always share my thoughts with those who love reading them.

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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Rad post @morkrock, you and @princessmewmew can come visit me when I buy that place one day ;) haha, this is much more than a #colourchallenge post, thanks for sharing your dream.

As long as you don't try stealing us....

Its so amazing photography..

I summon the might power of Thor... I mean @originalworks lol

Always you post a good one

color and contrast are really good. like it.

One day you'll get one

One day, babe. One day.

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