
Oh shoot! I didn't mean to mislead you with the question mark, boomdawg. It is the end, of the story at least. If you click on the link, you will be led to an end you may not have expected haha! I do hope you enjoyed this even though you thought of it as a cliffhanger >.<

Oh noes. I am a pure dobber as they say here!!

Lol, I thought it an ending esque but then saw The End link and thought, ahah!! A wrapper upper of a piece!! I am now going to investigate this ruinous link! :O)

Ahahaha! I really hope it didn't take away from the experience! When you see The End you'll know why ;)

Saws it!

It didnt, Ijust felt slightly foolish when I read your reply. Ah the joy of being foolish though!

It's great that we can laugh about these things. If it were another person, I feel like I would be hunted down and stalked all over the internet haha What a relief!

Wait, did someone say stalking!?!

Is that someone outside my window by the hedge? Back in a minute...

Bring a boomstick for protection! You should never ever leave home without it!

Haaaaahaaahahahaaaaaa, of course you do know that is how I refer to a particular part of my anatomy?

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