ColorChallenge: MondayRed Door

When I shot this picture not much while ago I didn't know how I could label or save it on my Pc

It's just a door, but painted in a beautiful red color!!

Its color was what I most enjoyed, obviously, but its antiquity enriches​ the photo as well.


Nikon 3300 1/60s, f/4, 20mm, ISO 800

Hopefully I will have the opportunity to go back and take a few more shots, due to an event and limited access, I didn't have​ the chance to try different angles of the door or to capture it entire.

There's always a first time for everything, right?

This is my first submisson to @kalemandra #ColorChallenge: MondayRed, and now I can save this photo on my Steemit album and create a new folder on my Pc for doors!

Please do not forget to check the other daily photography challenges:


looks like the intro to "Paint it black" by Rolling Stones, very enchant

Cool, I love that song and didn't realize that yet!! (well, I only discover it a few weeks ago!)

One of my favourite songs, actually every time I see something red I start to sing it inside my head :)

Now I guess I'll start doing the same! My mind works in the same way, I associate lots of music to real life!

Nice picture, following you now.

Nice post
I just vote up you ;)

look interestingI have upvoted
please have a look at my post if you have the chance

Thats awesome, great photography

old school


Nice post, I enjoy reading it and the picture is amazing. Check out my post on some Fun Facts It's a new series i'm starting and want to know your opinion. Have a nice day!

Welcome to the ColorChallenge!


Well, it was about time!! :)

I love the color red my favorite. 😉

My sports football​ club color is also red, but white will always be my favorite color.

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