Color Challenge Monday/Red Fall is In The Air Can You Still Smell The Roses?

Today's color Red is represented by this towering bush from my neighbors yard....looks like a type of maple to me.... funny its the puffball bush that blooms giant hydrangea looking flowers in the Spring


My roses keep blooming and it's October! I've been saving the petals and using for tea, my infused topical oils, even for baking, once dried, I store in glass mason jars.

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I'm constantly drying all kinds of herbs, flowers, roots, leaves, veggies, fruits from my yard/garden


This is a rose from several years ago in my yard!

@kimmysomelove42 If you could bottle the smell of this flower, you could heal the world!

Even my baby roses are still bloomin away....
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This week I'll harvest a bunch of pine pitch before the big old tree in my front yard gets taken down.. A sad day that will be, the tree is half dead and has beetle infestation, I kept it back for 2 years using organic sprays etc, but with the stress of high heat conditions and lack of deep rain, these last years, were sure factors in it's demise. I have a fig, a bay leaf and an apple tree in pots, those could possible replace the pine. tbd.

More garden Orange..... these shall go in my salad tonight.. yum yum....I'll dice and let sit in balsamic vinegar for an hour or so before using....
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Blessings for the Harvest of Fall .....


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