Color Challenge - Friday SkyBlue: Ozark Beauty in Newton County, Arkansas


The sky is prettier in Newton County, Arkansas. I felt this way the first time I visited, and I have felt that way every time since. Views like this ever get old. If you get the chance to visit the Boston Mountains, you should.

Unless otherwise credited, photos were taken by me (@jessamynorchard) with an iPhone 6+, and edited in Adobe Lightroom for iOS, as part of my mission to make the most of my available technologies to make valuable, high-quality Steemit content.

Follow me @jessamynorchard for more assorted randomness!


Great post! The awww animals like it ;-)
As a reward you get an awww picture: cute_husky_awww


Thanks, @awww! 💚

Ahhhh blue is my absolute favouritest colour. Not only is that sky gorgeous but those mountains/hills in the distance are such a beautiful blue too. You live in paradise! Thank you for showing me the Boston Mountains. The more I see of the world through others' eyes, the more I realize that there is beauty Everywhere !

Great image mate! Upvoted!

It's fine! My solution for color challenge today also demonstrates the beauty of mountains and clouds. Only my mountains are in the Canary Islands in Spain! I love your posts! I like how you see the world! And I'm also a musician! Thank you! 😘😗😙🤗

@creadordelfuturo Your comment completely warmed my heart. Thank you so very much for those kind words. I'm glad you enjoy the stuff you find here, and the lens through which these eyes view the world. In a world where I don't feel I truly reverberate that many folks, those words are much appreciated.

The world is a desert! Find someone this is a great success! 😘😗😙🤗

Beautiful!!! Love those rolling Ozark hills! 😍

Thats just beautiful!!

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