Colorchallenge - Tuesday - Orange and what it means!!!

in #colorchallenge6 years ago


This Orange Colour on this photo is very strong and bright and fierce looking. It is as if on fire and the darkness around it emphasis the impact. Most of the time the Sunset photo is more calming and subtle. But this particular scene is different.

So what's in the Orange colour that we normally associate with?

Normally Orange is associated with warmth (like the sun), heat, sunshine and joy. When the Sun is out, it gives out warmth and people generally love the Sun and people are happy and they can do lots of outdoor activities without worrying about the rain or cold to dampen their spirit. On a bright sunny day, there will be lots of excitement and enjoyment experienced by all.

When we were young, whenever the Sun goes down, it meant time to sleep and we cannot play or enjoy ourselves. When the Sun get hidden behind the dark clouds and the rain came down, it would be a sad and dull day for us as we cannot play outside and our plans for an outing would be gone. So this 'Bright Orange Sun' is very important to us as children as well as now when we are adults. Our outdoor plans with the family and friends would be spoilt if there is any down pour of rain.


This is a bright Orange colour paper bag. See how brilliant is this colour as compared to the previous photo. This Orange colour has more red inside and it presented a lovely pleasant, bright, cheerful and inviting energy to anyone looking at this paper bag. I have heard from friends that knows printing that to match colours like Orange, Purple and Green can be a challenge. As with a little more of the other combination colours, the tone will be changed. Example if more Red are used, the colour will change verses using more Yellow for the Orange Colour. I was educated that for printing of colours, it contained "CMYK", whereby C for Cyan, M for Magenta, Y for Yellow and K for Black. The percentage of what these 4 colours being mixed together will generate a range of different colours. There is even a colour chart that one can refer to before printing to try to ensure consistency of the output. Therefore it is good for us to know and understand why sometimes the colour we expect from our printing might not always be the same for each run. Knowing the values of each colour will keep the colours consistent.

I am sure some of you have even heard this song on You tube that I will be sharing with you. This is still one of my daughter's favourite song.

Video source : youtube
Photos : 100% my own

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