ColorChallenge - Human Art by Alexa Meade -📷- Photos by Me - TuesdayOrange

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Was I looking at a painting of a person looking at a painting?

Growing up I was never really good at producing art. I have never been good at drawing pictures or even strait lines, not to well of a painter or sculptor, and was never good with a spray can. But that doesn't mean these things don't interest me, in fact art of all kinds has always been very special to me.

Most people discover their favorite artist in a history book or an art class, others in galleries and stores, some art is discovered on the streets and buildings.

Wait... now was another painting of her now looking at a sculpture.

I have discovered art in all these places but one of my favorite artist I actually discovered Online.

I first discovered Alexa Meade's unique art on my Facebook feed, at first glance I was confused at what I was seeing. The more photos of her work I saw the more fascinated I became.

I realized that she actually paints on not only people, but walls, floors, doors, and everything in the room to create her art.

I was hooked. So I started following her on Facebook Alexa Meade. I kept up with her post from time to time when they came up on my news feed. Until one day when I saw her post that she was not only coming to Florida of all places but to Miami, just down the street from me.

Alexa Meade

The thing about it is no matter how many photos I saw or how amazing I thought it looked I was actually missing out on the full experience that you steemians reading this are missing out on now. To truly appreciate and get the entire experience you have to be there in person.

Photos of the people and objects Alexa paints are amazing but they only capture so much. The art is so dimensional that you need to be able to see the room from all the angles to truly appreciate it.

I was so excited just to go see an artists work that I had began to admire, I never expected I was going to get to not only watch her create the art live, but get a meet and greet and allowed up close to photograph the process.


What made the night even more special was that my girlfriend was able to join me.


Alexa started by painting the walls and floors and hanging already painted paintings. Then the fun part came, she painted the entire women including her shoes, hair and face.




Watching the whole process take place was amazing all the questions on 'I wonder how she does that' all answered before my eyes.

All above photos taken by @isteemithard

I hope you enjoy the photos of her art I was able to capture to see more of here work Alexa Meade's website is

Above content is my @originalworks


"Color your day with your own photo or artwork, relating the color of the current day. We have 7 chakras with the colors of the rainbow. The rainbow has 7 colors. A week is equal to 7 days.
Days are colors.
@kalemandra photo contest


!steemitworldmap25.791184lat-80.136642long Live Art in Miami d3scr


Wow, this is sooo coool! :) Up and resteemed!

thanks glad you enjoyed

@steemitworldmap This is my first post trying the map did I type the lat and long in correctly? I wasn't sure to do 25°47'28.3"N 80°08'11.9"W or 25.791184, -80.136642

Hey hey, it seems to be perfect the way it is! If you can see it on the map on the right location, you can assume it all went right!

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

Amazing post!!! I loved it. Congratulations @isteemithard. I'm following you.

I think I am looking at you looking at a painting of a person looking at a painting. Oh no, wait. I am looking at a painting of you looking at a painting of a person looking at a painting. 🙄 Hahaha, I got a headache.

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