All Things Must Pass

Greetings all! Short and sweet today with an entry for #colorchallenge. The color of the day is #yellow and I stumbled upon this little fella not too long ago after a light and cool rain. Which I rather enjoy. Fall is such a bittersweet season. It's cool and crisp days are refreshing after the long summer heat. But cool days lead to cold nights and with those come winter. But so it goes and as it must. Change can be painful but it is necessary. Every year the leaves wither and die. The trees shake them to the ground. But they do so for continued life. All things need rest. All need a time to recover in order to fulfill their purpose.

IMG_5046 (2).JPG

canon rebel xs 1/80 sec f/2.8 60mm ISO 200


Baby crab spider?

I actually do like fall a lot. I like the dry leaves, the sleepy clouds.. misty mornings. Love it all. It's quieter and calmer. And I like the rain..

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